Bonjour à tous .
Alors voilà , j'ai mon oral d'anglais dans quelques jours et le problème c'est que ma problématique n'est pas correcte ;
Immigration & Xenophobia: from dream to disillusion ...
J'avais donc choisis de parler d'Ellis Island , comment les gens étaient stéréotypés dès leur arriver et tout . Ainsi que la victoire d'Obama , le kluxklux klan . et un doc sur la mexican border
Donc je souhaiterais savoir si imaginer une autre problématique que je pourrais mettre voilà tous merci beaucoup
s'il vous plait aidé moi je vous en supplie , j'ai peur de pas avoir mon bac je stress à mort
S'il vous plait , s'il vous plait
Bonsoir à tous, en fait je dois rédiger mon oral d'anglais sur la notion espaces et échanges, seulement j'aimerai bien avoir un avais avant de passer devant tout le monde et de me ridiculiser peut-être.. Enfin voilà ce serait vraiment aimable de votre part si vous pouviez me dire ce que vous en pensez? Merci d'avance. :)
Today I’m going to speak about the notion spaces and exchanges. We can define exchanges as a continuous mouvment of circulation. There are different types of exchanges (with people, financial, education) . This notion deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. The different cultural, economic, sociological and language interactions have shaped and characterised our modern-day world. I’m going to talk about globalisation and be focused on the global cities. What impact does globalization have on those exchanges ? First, I’m going to talk about the positive aspects of the globalization and in a 2nd part, I will explain the limits of it.
The globalization is the worldwide movement toward economic, financial, trade, and communications integration It’s enable to people to be connected and puts end to borders. .Marshall McLuhan, an intellectual, speaks about « global village » to define our world. First, there are pros on the social area. Thanks to globalization some cities are most open and welcome people from the whole world. It’s question of global cities like Paris, Tokyo or London, which are multicultural : they are a wealth of cultural, linguistic and ethnic diversity. If I focus on London, there are products from the whole world (the Caribbean, Bangladesh, Jewish, African, Chinese) most of 100 languages are spoken, more than 1/3 are foreigners, 39% of its inhabitants are black people. We can say that this city contributes to an equality of opportunity to have a job for instance. There is a difference with before. In the 1960s cities were less open and the immigration was misperceived. Racism and prejudice were present at that time. Migrants feel more integrated, cities are more tolerant than before. I can notice that there are many exchanges between students in the universities. This gathering of people has positive points on the environment area : the energy consumption is lower and the water is saving. In the economic area, This worldwide exchanges contribute also to the level of competitiveness and productivity, as London which is the only city able to compete with the United States. (3’13)
I turn to my 2nd part. However globalization has limits. In the environment area : the pollution is everywhere so the biodiversity is damaged. This has an impact on the health of the inhabitants. I take for instance the Great Smog in 1952 in London which is the worst pollution phenomenon of the world which killed 12 000 people. Even if some measures are taken to reduce the pollution, like congestion charge in London or Velib in Paris it keeps a drawback of big cities, often overcrowded. Moreover, if there are global cities, there are cities excluded of globalization. I speak about poor countries which are struggling to integrate because of their social, political or climat problems. These cities are often found in Africa : unless Johannesburg, the capital of South Africa, no city is worldwide. So globalization excluded some cities.
To conclude, globalization has impact on our society and on urban developpement. There is an evolution in many areas. However it has consequences on environment and on other countries and cities, less developped so which can not take part to globalization as the others. Despite this there has a predominantly social progress, that’s why we can link this to the notion Idea of Progress.
Bonjour tout le monde,
Je suis en TL et le bac approche donc à grands pas! J'ai préparé toutes mes synthèses (c'est-à-dire ce que je vais dire à l'oral) de LELE et espagnol, et j'ai fini l'une de deux que j'ai à faire pour la LVA hier soir.
Il m'en reste donc une : Espaces à Echanges. Nous avons étudié le thème des Gap Years, autrement dit des années sabbatiques. Mais voilà, je cherche depuis plus d'une semaine et je bloque complètement sur le document personnel que je voudrais prendre... Or, j'ai envie d'avoir très rapidement (demain au plus tard...) fini toutes mes préparations d'oraux pour pouvoir me concentrer sur les écrits.
Je pensais prendre en document de cours un témoignage d'une jeune femme qui a été faire de l'humanitaire en Alaska, et un autre document présentant deux élèves qui, avec Erasmus, ont dédié leur année sabbatique à leurs études. Je pensais prendre comme problématique "Why do people decide to move abroad?" Seulement, j'aurais eu besoin d'un dernier document qui pourrait montrer une autre raison de partir à l'étranger, que ce soit pour s'amuser, découvrir, se découvrir...
Je pensais prendre le film Into The Wild, seulement nous l'avons étudié pour L'Idée de Progrès, donc ce n'est pas vraiment un document personnel, qu'en pensez-vous?
Si vous connaissez un quelconque film, document, article, affiche, qui pourrait montrer une autre raison de partir à l'étranger, je vous en serais éternellement reconnaissante !
Nefertyty , ta problématque a l'air bonne par rapport aux sujets que tu dis :)
mgxnoot22, je fais pas LVA, mais j'ai eu au bac blanc un document qui pourrait t’intéresser, seulement il est espagnol , je pense pas que ce sois bon...?
Bonjour à tous,
Je suis en train de préparer la notion "Espaces et échanges" en anglais, nous avons travaillé sur l'histoire des Etats-Unis depuis l'arrivée des colons jusqu'à la conquête de l'espace. J'ai choisis d'illustrer la notion à travers l'histoire des Amérindiens, ma problématique est la suivante: Dans quelles mesures la conquête des Etats-Unis a t-elle eu un impact sur les populations locales ? Quelles sont les conséquences de ce processus ?
J'ai comme documents le tableau "The First Thanksgiving" de Jean Leon Gerome Ferris pour illustrer la bonne relation entre les peuples, puis un extrait du livre de Thomas King intitulé "One Good Story, That One" où l'on découvre que la nationalité indienne n'est reconnue ni aux USA ni au Canada afin de montrer la situation aujourd'hui. Comme document personnel j'ai pris un texte issu d'internet qui décrit le Trail of Tears pour montrer qu'à cause de la colonisation du territoire ces peuples sont forcés de partir.
Avec tout ça je ne sais absolument pas comment procéder, par quoi commencer, car je ne veux pas trop rentrer dans les détails, pourtant je dois parler obligatoirement de certains événements. Si vous pouviez m'aider à trouver un fil directeur ou m'aider à trouver quelques événements marquants ce serait vraiment super !
Merci d'avance !
Bonjour, je passe mon oral dans un peu plus d'une semaine, et j'aimerai avoir vos conseils/corrections pour ma notion, car j'imagine qu'il reste encore des fautes...
Le thème est espace est échange
Merci d'avance !!
In order to present the notion spaces and exchanges, we're gonna ask ourselves if the american dream is still alive, and beyond it, what attracts immigrants to go to the USA. First, let us define the American Dream : it's the fact that everybody believes that American social, economic and political system makes success possible for every individual, and that the United States is very welcoming for every individual.Then, we can define the notion of exchanges like the act of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else. In our case, we're gonna talk about the exchange of people, as part of the immigration between different spaces. A space represents deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies.Thus, we're gonna firstly notice the reasons which push immigrants to go to the USA, and we're then gonna constater if the American Dream is only an illusion.
I-Reasons to go to the usa
First of all, we're gonna tackle the reason which pushed the first immigrants to leave their country. In order to do it, let's use the picture "Pymouth Rock". It represents the first setlers : the Pilgrims, a group of Puritans who left Plymouth so as to flee religious persecutions. They wanted to leave somewhere where they could be able to practice freely their religion. But when they are about to berth, they look taken aback because the indians are building a wooden wall to prevent illegal migrants from entering the country. The Pilgrim's came in America to have a decent life, where they could be free.
II-A dream : illusion
Now that we know the reasons which pushed the Pilgrims, and which push currently the immigrants to leave their country, we are gonna notice that the American Dream is only an illusion. To do it, we can use the picture "Louisville Flood". Even if the afro-americans did'nt come to America by pleasure, but because of the slavery, they are in the same case that those who came now from Mexico, Syrial... This picture is based on a contrast between the first ground and the background. In the foreground, there are black people, wainting for some food after the terrible flood. Already on the fringe of society after the Great Depression, they plunged into poverty after the flood. What is ironical, and shocking here is that they are standing in front of a billboard that promotes American way of life, wich refers to the American dream. The family represents represents the WASP, lead a comfortable life, where eveything is consumption. There is a huge gap between the two groups. It underlines the discrepancy between the ideals of the nation stated, and the grim reality : some groups of people are lefts out, exluded from society. So, this photo debunks the myth that eveyone in the US has access to a high standard of living.
Finally, we can end with the idea that America welcomes every single person with open arms is wrong. To justify that, let's use the drawing "An alien", on whom we can see a stereotyped police officer, who sounds contemptuous and racist, who pulled over the statue of liberty just because of her skin color. This picture enable us to encounter the seamy side of the American dream : full of racism and predjudice whereas the immigrants, who are poverty stricken, are just fleeing a life of misery in their country. They hope to be able to succeed, persuaded that the a dream is real, and considering America as a land of opportunity, with no social barriers.
To put in a nutshell, we saw that the idea of the A dream was still present in the mind of people, but this idea is wrong, and the USA is a country where there are huge disparities.
Moreover, currently, we can ask oursleves is the American dream is not turning in "European Dream", even if Europe is not very opening to the immigrants too.
Bonjour, devant bientôt passer mon oral du bac pourriez vous jetez un coup d'oeil a ma notion et me dire si vous voyez des fautes qui auraient échappé à mon attention, merci beaucoup d'avance.
To introduce this notion i think that we could define exchanges as an act of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else. In today's modern day world these exchanges can take several differents forms like people, media and culture or trade. A space can be define as a state delimited by border. But we can see that nowadays with the globalisation the influence of a state constitute a culture area that can transcend these borders.
Our modern day-world is changing quickly and seems to be a smaller place due to improvements in technology and communication. For exemple immigrating has become way more current thanks to that and has enabled to mix differents culture and people. These differents cultural, economic and sociological interractions have transformed and characterized our world.
This concept deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interractions between human and these societies that why i decided to talk about a very publicized theme those times: immigration in the USA and attempt to answer the question what could drive people to leave their native land to go in the USA ?
This year we studied severals documents about this, so i decided to present you 2 of them which we will help us to give an answer to my problem.
So the first document is an extract called " don't send me back" from the novel " ellis island " written by Fred M.S in 1980. It deal with immigration in America in the early twentieth century and talk about a jew named Jacob who came from Russia to ellis island to have the chance of enter in Usa and maybe fulfill the american dream. At this time ellis island was the place where all the immigrants arriving by the east coast had to pass because before having the possibility of entering in the United States they had to pass a medical exam and that's the theme of the extract. The scene takes place in one room and a doctor exam him and ask him questions like if he's able to speak english or can count. After this the doctor notice that Jacob have a wound on one of his legs and limp a bit, when the russian see that he began to be very anxious and explain that it's just an hunting accident. But the american don't believe him and thinks that he has been persecuted because jews were slaughtered in Russia at this time however Jacob doesn't admit this and claim that it's just an accident. At the end the doctor tell him that he passed the exam which makes it really happy and excited to begin a new life. I chose this text because it shows the motivation of the formers immigrants and the reason which bring them until U.S.A. The mainly reasons at this time were political as we've seen in the documents because of the first world war and genocide or economical because of the krach of 1929 for exemple. It's very interresting to see how hard jacod want to enter in the USA even if he had to lie, it points out the incredible craze from all the immigrant who were searching a land of welcome for the USA. It's at that time that the american dream has known a big devellopment.
So the second document is an article from Newsweek published on September the 10th 2001, and written by Alan Zarembo. It’s entitled “Why a caged bird can sing”. This document deals with a 35 year ol Mexican woman named Ana, she is an illegal immigrant in the US. She used to live in Puebla with her daughter Angel and her son Misa and she is divorced. In this article Ana explain her path to enter in the US, she told us that it was really hard and risky because it was illegal and she was undocumented and thus she could be arrested and lost the possibility to realize the american deam and her money that she gave to the smuggler. The beautiful thing of her story it's that after months of hard time she managed to clim the social ladder little by little.Her story is a “rags to riches” story since she started with a low-paid job and is now fortunate even if she’s still an illegal immigrant. I decided to talk about this text because it show us that the american dream is not just a dream it can be reality, and that explain us what pulled million of people around the world to leave their country to try to climb the social ladder.
When we compare these documents we can see that despites the century that separate both of these stories, immigrants have still the same motivation and desire which can be because of political religious or economical problem to enter in the land where evrything are possible that drive them to leave their native country. In addition we could say that since the early twentieth century immigration have been an integral part of globalisation and nowadays it has become an unavoidable topic with the too numerous immigration crises that happend. To conclude i would say that it's really miserable to notice that despite the years immigration has become riskier and riskier and cost the lives of more and more people.
bonjour, j'ai mon oral d'anglais dans quelque semaine et je ne suis pas perte. le problème c'est que je suis pas forte en anglais et j'ai donc beaucoup de mal a écrire en anglais et je fait beaucoup de faute. je me demandé si c'est possible que vous me corrigiez ma notion sur espace et échange ?
merci d'avance
voici ma notion:
the notion of space and exchange concerns the movements of exchange in the various times, territories and geographical zones. " The exchanges " can human, economic, linguistic beings. We shall study the idea through the journey. Im going present the notion of space and exchange has fault the following problem. I am going to talk about the notion through the problem following :To what extent the journey can be educational source(learning) ?At first I am going to speak about the learning of a culture and then of the learning of one
To learn a culture it is necessary to travel and to go to meet others. For it there is various type of way to go abroad and not spent a lot of money.It is the case of couch surfing that is an activity which the people join on the Internet to sleep at people free of charge or in a low price what allows to go to people and to discover their lifestyle . Couch surfing allows to have a real experience of more authentic journey which allows to discover the culture and the gastronomy.
We learn so a lot of culture of a country through his language and its cuisine.en travel one in the possibility of speaking to the daily with premises or travelers.
Au pair is a way which allows the young person to earn money all discover the culture of the country, the lifestyle of the family, culinary tradition and to learn a language.Indeed the fact of living with the family obliges us to speak the language. Au pair allows to visit everyday lives of the family and so to understand the culture of the country .Ilt is easier to understand the culture when we live and there better still when we work.
But the journey also allows to learn of one. The fact of travelling allows to have a bigger self-confidence. Especially within the framework of a solo journey. Indeed if we take the example of the couch surfing it is necessary to know how to manage because it is necessary to find every day or to sleep.
The journey improves the ease of adaptation. Indeed it is necessary adapts itself to the new lifestyle, go out of its zone of comfort. It is necessary to adapt itself has every house in whom we pass by being couch surfing.
The journey develops the courage and the curious. Leave there has the strange in the case of wwoofing which is the fact of working in an organic farm which allows to discover the culture of the country at the same time as to work. It is thus necessary to be brave because it is necessary to get up early and to work hard and to be curious to learn thing on the organic farming.
The journey allows to prove us has has we and our circle of acquaintances that we can be independent and reasonable. To prove us that we can manage in a country which one know not. And also allows to be confronted with the reality. The fact of travelling allows of meeting of people and to exchange and
thus to enrich these knowledge. All this is one more in our life and in a cv.
The journey thus allows to learn a new culture and to learn on one. Every journey brings something to that who lives him.
bonjour Mela
Je me propose de corriger ton travail ; je vais sans doute remodeler des phrases , changer des termes pour que l'ensemble soit plus cohérent et "punchy" OK?
(bonjour, j'ai mon oral d'anglais dans quelque semaine et je ne suis pas perte. le problème c'est que je suis pas forte en anglais et j'ai donc beaucoup de mal a écrire en anglais et je fait beaucoup de faute. je me demandé si c'est possible que vous me corrigiez ma notion sur espace et échange ?
merci d'avance
voici ma notion) VU!! ;)
Tu n'as pas besoin de présenter des textes , des images? tu présentes QUEL oral ? Merci
The notion of Space and Exchanges
The notion of Space and Exchange concerns the movements of exchange in various times, territories and geographical zones. These exchanges can be human, economic or linguistic. We shall study the idea by seeing how you can travel and learn in another country. I am going to talk about the notion and ask the question: :To what extent can a trip be beneficial to a person on different levels?
To learn a culture it is necessary to travel and meet others. There are many ways to go abroad and not spend a lot of money.It is the case of couch surfing that is an activity where people(tu ne mets pas "the " quand tu parles d'une generalité) get in touch (entre en contact) on the Internet and offer their services: you can sleep for free in others' people house or for a low price. You therefore discover new people and also their lifestyles. . Couch surfing allows to have a genuine experience of the country you are visting , it enables you to discover the culture and the gastronomy.
J'ai enlevé les deux phrases suivantes qui ne faisaient que répéter ce que tu viens de dire.
Au pair is also a way which allows the young person to earn money and discover the culture of a country, the lifestyle of the family ,its habits and the food they eat. It is a great way to speak the language because you have to communicate on a daily basis.It puts you in an "emergency situation" to be understood and it alows you to quickly improve. .(je change ta trame qui se répète trop) It is certainly a great challenge at first but then you become fluent in the language of the country and also familiar with its culture.It is an undeniable asset (atout) to speak a foreign language when are looking for a job.
A trip aboad also allows you to learn more about yourself. You gain more self-confidence and independence. This is even more obvious (evident) if you travel on yourn own (seul). Indeed if we take the example of couch surfing it is necessary to know how to be well- organized because you need to find every day a place to sleep.
A trip improves your sense of adaptation. Tu te répètes trop , j'ai enlevé les deux phrases qui suivaient.
A trip develops courage and curiousity , for instance in the case of wwoofing(tu es sûr de l'orthographe?) which is the fact of working in an organic farm for example ; But there are others forms of woofing such as taking care of animals . You must work a certain number of hours and then you can discover the culture of the country during your free time.You must be well-organized and brave to make sure that you wake up early to work.
The journey allows to prove us has has we and our circle of acquaintances that we can be independent and reasonable. To prove us that we can manage in a country which one know not. And also allows to be confronted with the reality. The fact of travelling allows of meeting of people and to exchange and
thus to enrich these knowledge. All this is one more in our life and in a cv. Il faut enlever cela car ce sont des répétitions qui n'apportent RIEN à ton oral.
I will conclude by saying that we have seen that travelling brings you a lot of enriching experiences. It is not surprising : we all know the say (dicton) les voyages forment la jeunesse (essaie de trouver l'équivalent anglais) sinon tu mets
We all know that travelling widens your spirit. This is true at any age.
Bon voilà
Dis-moi ce que tu en penses
Tu as vu que j'ai beaucoup retouché ton texte(je suis très étonnée car à la fin , tu ne terminais plus ta phrase, tu en refaisais une semblable juste après)
Il serait bien que tu t'entraînes à écrire quelques lignes tous les jours car cela va t'aider à avoir du vocabulaire , à connaître des structures de base comme les adjectifs avant les noms. je veux bien t'aider à les corriger . Tu écris régulièrement sur un sujet et juste quelques phrases (trois maxi) Inutile de te "noyer"Fais le car vraiment il faut que tu travailles ton anglais :/ .C'est une chance à saisir et je n'émettrai aucun jugement ,je corrigerai tes fautes et je prendrai le temps de te les expliquer.
bonjour, merci beaucoup pour votre aide :) j'aimerai bien apprendre l' anglais, j'ai vraiment essayer de travailler mon anglais mais j'y arrive pas, je suis un peu démotivé et j'ai abandonné l'idée de travailler l'anglais pour le bac. je suis dilsescycle et je pense que sa ne m'aide pas pour apprendre l'anglais. je vais essayer votre méthode , c'est ce que j'ai fait en italien et sa à plutôt bien marché. mais je suis pas sur d'avoir le temps de faire sa tous les jour avec le bac mais je vais essayer de faire sa plusieurs fois dans la semaine. merci beaucoup de me propose votre aide sa me touche, on ne ma jamais proposé de m'aider comme sa, je vais trouver des sujet sur lesquels travailler.
merci encore pour votre aide
oui mela
Tu sais je comprends que être "dys" soit difficile ,bien entendu encore plus à l'écrit. J'ai des élèves dans ton cas et je sais que tout vous demande beaucoup d'effort.
J'avais même un élève qui avait en CP tellement de mal à comprendre et refaire ses lettres de l'alphabet écrites au tableau (plan vertical) à un plan horizontal qu'il avait appris à "écrire" l'alphabet avec de la pâte à modeler.
Il a beaucoup travaillé et a eu son bac (j'ai perdu sa trace , hélas)
Donc oui on fait come ça , tu essaies d'écrire deux , trois lignes (deux fois par semaine) et tu seras plus confiant pour le bac !
A bientôt
ah oui: tu peux créer un nouveau sujet: entraînement à l'écrit en anglais par exemple pour que je ne te perde pas de vue!
Bon courage et à bientôt ! ;)
d'accord merci je vais essayer de faire ça en fin de semaine et je vais créer un sujet. merci encore pour votre aide :)
j'ai rédiger en anglais ma notion pour le bac mais je pense qu'il reste des erreurs de syntaxes, grammaire ou même formation de phrases, pouvez vous m'aider ? SVP
Merci beaucoup
Espaces et échanges en anglais
First, we will define the notion of space and exchanges. In effect an exchanges is the fact of giving or receive something in substitution of an other thing. In our society, exchanges are highly developed and exist in many fiel : the economy with trade in goods, cultural throught the ideas, languages, education, art...but these exchanges may also by represented by the movement of people, tourism, the immigrations in particular, gap year has the foreigner, students migrating to an other country to study. Our world, that we live, changes, evolving, and promotes or not this differents exchanges. We really have to ask the question : how the disparities between the North and the South can they favor the movement of population, immigration in particular?
Nowadays the disparities between the North and the South, what marks a real opposition between developed and developing countries. Indeed these disparities it make more and more feel and one of numerous consequences on our company. As we were able to see the countries of the south are said younger and workforces is cheaper, what is not without consequences, the working conditions are deplorable, what entraine of numerous accident as in Rana plaza in 2013. That it what we could see in an article dating 2013 ,draft by Nandita Rose as well as a report, who explained us the disaster, the reasons of this collapse of the factory, in particular the place was placed, in a building, normally dedicated to houses, as well as lack of inpection in these factories.Indeed the differences in particular economic between these two categories of countries causes conflicts having more or less importance, such as immigrations always more numerous, what is event the case today a big part of these migrations are illegal. Indeed as we were able to see it in numerous document.There is an importante wave of immigration between Mexico and United States, Mexicans want to realize their American dreams. The people of the South moves towards the countries of the North, with the aim of living a better life.
But it is not the only factor many more are added to it as of the political and also environmental disparities. As we were able to see it with two caricatures,which denounces the same cause, that is the use of the corn of South countries which does not serve to feed they habitants in lack of resources but which serves has to make biofuel for the countries of the North.As we can see on these two caricatures ,has an opposition between the countries of the South or we can see a car in both cases which"feeds" biofuel oils ,and the countries of the South or we see one starving habitants. If the countries of the North are to develop, rich and has the ease at the economic level, and even if they are the mainspring of the globalization, the countries of the South are them in a crisis situation. The countries of the South detaina higher mortality rate, because they do not resort has medicine. We were also able to raise differences cultural remarkable has fault here another report, the countries of the South have one rate of illiteracy very to raise, higher education are lesser favorites migrations of the populations who search education, as we can see him with him "brain drain".
As we can see numerous reasons favor the immigrations, movement of populations of the countries of the South towards the countries of the North, because the disparities are numerous, in particular in the sector of the work, what pulled by bad life conditions, but also at the level of accesses has medicine and education. Indeed there are many other reasons which pull these people has to avoid the South countries such as distorts them democracies, dictatorship and systems authoritarian. What once again favorites the travels of populations, running away from the wars, the poverty ...
Bonjour, j'ai mon oral bientôt et j'ai ma dernière notion à faire concernant espaces et échanges. Seul pb en classe nous n'avons pas fini la notion c'est pq ma présentation est un peu vide pour le moment. Si qq peut me corriger les fautes j'en serai reconnaissant merci.
I am going to talk about the notion “Spaces and Exchanges”. Firstly I’d like to give a definition of this notion. An exchange is the act of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else. In today’s modern-day world these exchanges can take several forms: economic – work exchanges, exchange of goods, trading across borders, cultural – exchange of ideas, information, education, movement of people– immigration, student exchanges, gap years… A space can be defined as a state delimited by border. But we can see that nowadays with the globalization the influence of a state constitute culture areas that can transcend these borders. We may ask ourselves: To what extent languages contributes in getting integrated in new places and have new exchanges? To answer this question I will present 3 documents we studied in class.
To begin with, we studied a document an extract from an Alex George’s book entitled “A Good American”. In fact, it’s the story of a couple who decided to move from Germany to America. We are at the beginning of the 20th century when America received 1 million per year immigrants. They are Americans but Jette, Frederick’s wife, doesn’t feel American. She regrets her coming to America and she spends her time with American with German origins while Frederick works hard to learn the new language. Immigrating to the USA is not just crossing the ocean and stepping a foot on the American soil. It is also about learning the language. Learning the language is maybe the beginning of the trip to become an American. Accepting a new language means for Frederick opening new prospects for himself and his family. It guarantees a future because English means for him possible exchanges in this new place which is America. Moreover, integration is completed when one learns the vernacular language and for Frederick it is compulsory to learn English.
Furthermore, we saw an extract from Richard Ford’s novel called “Canada”. It talks about a family with 2 children who regularly move to new places because their father works in the US army. For the children, a new place means a new use of English so they have to learn new expressions. They do it to adapt themselves and to be integrated faster. It is just to make their life easier whereas for Frederick it is necessary.
To conclude, language is a means to exchange ideas, thoughts and language is necessary for social acceptance. Besides, a new space means new forms of verbal exchanges and that’s why knowing the language is like entering the minds of the native speakers so becoming a true American.
First, we will define the notion of space and exchanges. In FACT an exchanges is the fact of giving or receivING something in substitution of another thing. In our society, exchanges are highly developed and exist in many fielDS : the economy with trade in goods, cultural through the ideas, languages, education, art...but these exchanges may also by represented by the movement of people, tourism, the immigrations in particular, gap year TO A FOREIGN COUNTRY, students migrating to another country to study. THE world IN WHICH we live, changes, evolvES, and promotes or not thESE different exchanges. We really have to ask OURSELVES : how CAN the disparities between the North and the South favor the movement of population, OF immigration in particular?
Nowadays the disparities between the North and the South SHOW a real opposition between developed and developing countries. Indeed these disparities HAVE numerous consequences on our SOCIETY. WE KNOW THAT the countries of the south HAVE A YOUNGER POPULATION and THAT THE workforce is cheaper;tHESE FACTORS LEAD TO THE FACT THAT THE WORKING CONDITIONS ARE VERY BAD AND LEAD TO numerous accident LIKE THE ONE in Rana plaza in 2013. That it what we CAN see in an article OF 2013 ,draftED by Nandita Rose a reportER, who explained us the disaster, the reasons FOR this collapse of the factory,; tHE FACTORY WAS IMPLEMENTED IN A PLACE THAT IS normally dedicated to houses, AND THERE WAS A lack of inpection in these factories
tHE DIFFERENCES IN THE SALARIES AND THE JOB CONDITIONS CAUSE MORE AND MORE CONFLICTS AND CAN LEAD TO always more numerous FLOWS OF IMMIGRATION; iT IS A HUGE PROBLEM THESE DAYS BECAUSE a LARGE part of these imigrations are illegal. Indeed as we were able to see it in numerous document.There is an importante wave of immigration between Mexico and THE United States, Mexicans want to MAKE THEIR DREAMS COME TRUE (on ne dit pas "to realize" pour traduire réaliser car cela veut dire "se rendre compte") . The people of the South moves towards the countries of the North, with the aim of living a better life.
But it is not the only factor: THERE ARE many more as of the political and also environmental disparities. As we CAN see with two caricatures,which denounce the same cause, the corn of SouthERN countries IS NOT USED TO FEED THE INHABITANTS BUT IT IS USED TO make biofuel for the countries of the North.As we can see on these two caricatures : EVEN THOUGH THE INHABITANTS OF THE PRODUCING SOUTHERN COUNTRIES ARE STARVING ? THEIR PRODUCTION OF CORN GOES TO THE NORTHERN COUNTRIES. The countries of the North are developPED AND rich and even if they are the mainspring of the globalization, the countries of the South are AS FOR THEM UNDERGOING A crisis . The countries of the South HAVE A higher mortality rate, because they do not HAVE ACCESS TO médicine AND GOOD HEALTH CARE. We CAN ALSO SEE THAT THERE EXIST MAJOR DIFFERENCES ON A CULTURAL LEVEL BETWEEN THE SOUTH AND THE NORTH; the countries of the South have A VERY HIGH rate of illiteracy ; pEOPLE WHO HAVE THE CHANCE TO HAVE A higher education migratE TO GET A GOOD JOD AND THERE IS A PHENOMENON CALLED A "brain drain".
Je pense qu'il est bien de conclure avec ce problème de l'eau car c'est un des enjeux cruciaux : comment accueillir ces réfugiés qui fuient leurs terres devenues arides?
good luck! :)
Merci quand vous lirez ce message de mettre un commentaire pour que je puisse continuer de corriger les nombreuses demandes qui arrivent . Je n'arrive pas à corriger les commentaires suivants (pas le droit de "répondre") Merci :)
Si vous pouviez corriger le mien merci :)
corrigé pour Picavax
- Espaces et échanges
voici ce que je te propose:
I am going to talk about the notion “Spaces and Exchanges”. Firstly I’d like to give a definition of this notion. An exchange is the act of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else. In today’s modern world these exchanges can take several forms: economic – work exchanges, exchangeS of goods, trading across borders, cultural – exchange of ideas, information, education, movement of people– immigration, student exchanges, gap years FOR INSTANCE. A space can be defined as a state delimited by border. But we can see that nowadays with the globalization the influence of a state constitute culture areas that can transcend these borders. We may ask ourselves: To what extent DO languages contribute in getting integrated in new places and have new exchanges?
To answer this question I will present 3 documents we HAVE studied in class.
To begin with, we studied a document THAT IS an extract from Alex George’s book entitled “A Good American”. In fact, it IS the story of a couple who decided to move from Germany to NORTH AMERICA OR THE STATES OR THE UNITED STATES . We are at the beginning of the 20th century when America received 1 million immigrants PER YEAR; They are Americans but Jette, Frederick’s wife, doesn’t feel American. She regrets her coming to America and she spends her time with American with German origins while Frederick works hard to learn the new language. Immigrating to the USA is not just crossing the ocean and sETTING foot on the American soil. It is also about learning the language. Learning the language is maybe the beginning of the trip to become an American. Accepting a new language means for Frederick opening new prospects for himself and his family. It guarantees a future because English means for him possible exchanges in this new place. Moreover, integration is completed when one learns the vernacular language and for Frederick it is compulsory to learn English.
THEN, we saw an extract from Richard Ford’s novel called “Canada”. It talks about a family with TWO children who regularly move to new places because their father works in the US army. For the children, a new place means a new use of English so they have to learn new expressions. They do it to adapt themselves and to be integrated faster. It is just to make their liVES easier whereas for Frederick it is necessary.
c'est très bien!! :)
J'attends la suite avec impatience : c'est clair et tu vas pouvoir le reproduire facilement à l'oral car c'est bien écrit mais pas trop poussé à l'extrême (je corrige parfois des textes qui sont trop littéraires)
good luck :)
Good luck!!
To conclude, language is a means to exchange ideas, thoughts and language is necessary for social acceptance. Besides, a new space means new forms of verbal exchanges and that’s why knowing the language is like entering the minds of the native speakers so becoming a true American.
Message privé
Bonjour, merci pour le corrigé de la dernière fois mais finalement il me manquait un texte pour pouvoir conclure et je ne l'ai pas trouvé. Du coup, je suis parti sur l'immigration aux Etats-Unis. Si vous pouvez jeter un petit coup d'oeil, merci d'avance !
In order to present the notion spaces and exchanges, we're going to ask ourselves if the American dream is still alive, and beyond it, what attracts immigrants to go to the USA. First, let us define the American Dream: it's the fact that everybody believes that American social, economic and political system makes success possible for every individual, and that the United States is very welcoming for every individual. Then, we can define the notion of exchanges like the act of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else. In our case, we're going to talk about the exchange of people, as part of the immigration between different spaces. A space represents deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. Thus, we're going to firstly notice the reasons which push immigrants to go to the USA, and we're then going to notice if the American Dream is only an illusion.
First of all, we're going to tackle the reason which pushed the first immigrants to leave their country. In order to do it, let's use the document “Immigration to the USA”. This document is a documentary video from the History Website. It shows the arrival of immigrants at Ellis Island. Immigrants were coming to America because in their home country there were poverty, unemployment and they were hoping for a better future. From 1892 to 1954 more than 12 million immigrants passed through Ellis Island. They were waiting to see the statue of liberty because it was the first sign of America. The statue of liberty is standing with her back to America and she is looking at the world. Her role is to bring light, liberty in the pursuit of happiness. The USA is seen by its inhabitants as a role model for other countries. They consider their system a universal model which has brought their prosperity and freedom. Their model liberalism has been a source of progress for them. According to them, the USA embodies good values.
Now that we know the reasons which pushed the immigrants to leave their country, we are going to notice that the American Dream is only an illusion. To do it, we can use the trailer of the Godfather II. This document is an extract from a movie by Francis Ford Coppola, the Godfather II released in 1974. It tells the story of Vito Corleone, a New-York city Mafia leader. It takes place in Ellis Island in 1901 when young Vito arrived by boat as an orphan. The sepia colors indicate it’s about Vito’s past but also it gives a documentary-like quality to be arrival at Ellis Island. We learn about the process each immigrant had to go through. The main character is Vito Andolini from Corleone from Italy. He is hill, he has the smallpox. He has to stay in quarantine for 3 months. He looks displaced and lost. He is passive and he symbolizes the Italian Immigration. Moreover, in the beginning there is music. It sounds emotional because the immigrants are full of hopes on seeing miss liberty. On the contrary, at the end there is no music. Vito is in prison and he is singing a sad lullaby in Italian. This contrast in sounds highlights the discrepancy between Vito’s hopes and expectations and the harsh reality. Vito is in detention, he can’t enter the USA. The statue looks as small as Vito’s hopes. It is highly ironic because the poem of Emma Lazarus is supposed to accept everyone but for Vito the American Dream is unreachable. Indeed, new-comers are treated like cattle. There is some kind of dehumanization. We are far from the warm welcome of the New Colossus. America looks like a cold machine assimilating new immigrants. Coppola wanted to show that Italian immigration is eaten up by America.
To put in a nutshell, we saw that the idea of the A dream was still present in the mind of people, but this idea is wrong, and the USA is a country where there are huge disparities.
Hélas Picavax , il ne suffit pas d'y "jeter une coup d'oiel"
Tu avances des choses qui ne sont pas argumentées et ce n'est pas quelques changements à faire ici ou là mais tout est à vérifier: tu parles de l'immigration à une certaine époque, il faut préciser que cela n'a rien à voir avec les premiers immigrés;
Sur quelle théorie est fondée the American dream? je l'ai beaucoup écrit, en cherchant dans mes corrigés, tu peux le trouver et voir la réalité
Tu dis que la Statue de la liberté est dos aux Etats-Unis !! Non elle accueille ceux qui arrivent à New York ..
Tu parles d'un immigré qui se retrouve en prison ...on ne sait pas pourquoi. Même des gens qui ne vont pas en prison ne voient jamais The A (!!) Dream;
Tu dis qu'il est malade quand il arrive: Est-ce que cela peut avoir un rapport avec la suite des évènements?
Tu penses p-e que les Etats Unis sont accueillants: il y a des quotas pour y vivre depuis très longtemps et pour y travailler (avoir une green card )c'est très dur.
Regarde les corrigés que j'ai faits (dans les différentes notions )Je reprends
-l'immigration les Pilgrims.....les Puritains
-le mythe du rêve américain(réservé à une élite) et sa réalité (des gens dans la rue de tous âges qui dorment avec de jeunes enfants sous des tentes)
-les "conditions" du rêve américain
regarde cela, corrige ce que tu as fait et précise ce que tu as dit . OK? Structure tes idées , organise les .
Si je ne fais que "corriger" quelques fautes cela ne suffira pas.
Bonsoir, je ne comprends pas ce qui est à revoir. Nous avons vu seulement 2 documents sur l'immigration aux USA. Le premier montre l'arrivée des immigrants à Ellis Island avec pleins de projets etc et le 2e est un extrait du film Godfather qui montre la vrai réalité de l'immigration aux USA avec l'exemple de Vito qui "est en prison" comme nous l'a dit le prof (métaphoriquement). Je voulais montrer le contraste entre la réalité et ce que les gens pensent de l'Amérique à cette époque