Essaie de prendre du recul sur ce que tu écris: il faut trouver des axes de discussion
Or ce que tu écris est DESCRIPTIF :par exemple tu donnes des détails les uns à la suite des autres : Bon, Vito est malade, il y a une musique donc de l'espoir.....pas à la fin parce que le fond sonore est mélancolique c'est une "lullaby" (attention à ce mot qui s'applique aux comptines pour enfants) italienne car Vito est en prison.
" Vito is in detention, he can’t enter the USA" Là si tu n'ajoutes rien d'autre, Vito est en prison il ne peut "entrer" aux Etats -Unis ça n'a rien de métaphorique !
-soit il a fait quelque chose qu'il est important de mettre en avant (il est malade en arrivant : les malades étaient refoulés et renvoyés sans autre ménagement,est-ce pour cela qu'il ne peut "enter" the USA?)
-soit il a fait un acte répréhensible:quelle est l'époque ,tu parles de mafia.Les Américains affichent, ont toujours affiché un puritanisme bon teint de façade: Est-ce cela qui met Vito à l'écart?
Ton examinateur va être à l'écoute et te demander mais que se passe-t-il même s'il connaît l'œuvre sur le bout des doigts ,il "l'oubliera" afin de savoir ce que tu as voulu exprimer.
On ne sait pas pourquoi Vito est en prison et là tu rajoutes des """ et tu me dis "comme l'a dit le prof (métaphoriquement)"Donc en fait....Vito n'est pas en prison (tu l'as écrit deux fois pourtant..)
Le prof a dit ça et toi tu dis quoi?
On parle d'un film très connu :où est l'analyse?
La statue de la liberté accueille les immigrés (elle tourne le dos à l'Amérique???) Non elle éclaire le passage vers leur nouvelle vie. Très bel espoir pour tous ceux qui arrivaient épuisés par un long voyage . Seulement voilà : les bateaux n'allaient à Liberty Island mais Ellis Island ;tiens, pourquoi?
"Liberty" de plus est uniquement accolé à The Statue of Liberty :sinon "freedom"
Je ne suis pas d'accord que tu dises de ces gens qu'ils étaient les premiers immigrants. Tu connais pourtant les période citée est particulière :peut-être y avaient-ils des quotas????
Encore une fois: si tu te contentes d'une description en mettant des remarques plus ou moins de valeur égale dans un "chapitre": et que tu me dis que le film montre la vraie(sic!) réalité de l'immigration aux Etats Unis en me décrivant Vito qui est en prison ou qui serait en prison de façon métaphorique ,quand vas-tu tirer le fil de "la réalité " de l'immigration et m'expliquer pourquoi ce brave homme malade (?) n'est pas (ne se sent pas?) intégré ?
Tu fais aussi ça dans ton autre sujet où un Indien passe du personnage de héros, mais un héros qu'il ne faut prendre en exemple(?), à celui de lâche, puis de victime.......Cela s'appelle un packaging : voilà je mets le tout (et je fais un prix) et vous choisissez.
Il faut que tu dégages un point de vue.
Si tu fais une description plate, c'est sûr l'examinateur va te dire "what is your opinion on Vito's detention"? Et c'est bien plus dur de chercher des arguments "on the spot"!
J'ai laissé de côté d'autres "argumentaires" Vito symbolizes the Italian immigration which is "eaten up ?? NON Les Italiens ne se font pas "eaten up" NO WAY.
J'ai préparé ma notion sur spaces and exchange pour mon oral. J'aimerais savoir si cela convient et si je dois modifier des choses.
Merci beaucoup :)
I’m going to talk about the notion of Spaces and Exchanges. First of all I would like to give a definition of exchange. Spaces can be an areas or a place that are used or available for a specific purpose or a blank area between two things or elements. Exchanging can be a continuous movement or circulation; the act of giving or receiving in return or something that is given or received as a substitute for something else. In today’s modern-day world these exchanges can take several forms: economic (work exchanges, exchange of goods, trading across borders), cultural (exchange of ideas, information, education), movement of people (immigration, student exchanges…). How does the exchanges manifest in chaos?
In order to illustrate this notion, I’m going use two photos representing a man calling for help and flooded houses after Hurricane Katrina, a article intituled “Solidarity in chaos” by the magazine "Yes !"published in 2010, and a journalist's video "The Ellen degeneres Show" of 2012 in which Ellen interviewing Brad Pitt in Lower Ninth Ward.
Immigration flows are the source of physical exchanges. Borders, which are boundaries between two spaces and can be seen as an opening and more countries welcome immigrants. In fact, human flows can take places, in particular at the time of catastrophes.
In 2005, the hurricane Katrina touched the American States but particulary Louisiana. It was an incredibly strong storm, the largest hurricane in history of the United States.
Firstly, we will shows that Louisiana is a physical exchange land in time of disasters and then we will see that exchanges could be morals with BP's intervention during the hurricane.
1- Firstly, on these two images, we can see the destruction left behind in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. The death toll reached over one thousand eight hundred people and devastation was horrendous.
In the first picture shows a black man who is powerless, downhearted, distraught and desperate. He is calling for help, food and water because he is starwing to death, he is thirsty. He hasn’t had drinks or food for two days. They don’t have gas to leave so they are stranded here. He feels abandoned. there is a man with a sign asking for help. He looks defenseless and at a loss. The words are shocking and expose the harsh reality. The first image shows us the destruction of people’s lives and the desperation they felt as they appealed for aid. Hundreds of thousands of residents were left unemployed, not to mention the extensive number of homes and lives destroyed by Katrina.
The second photo shows houses under water and streets which have vanished, totally flooded, the physical destruction of the landscape and people’s homes. Several local industries were affected including oil, gas and forest industries.
2- The text is about the “aftermath of hurrivcane Katrina”, about the “solidarity”. Years on, the relief effort still continues and people are still only just beginning to return to their hometown.
The article focuses on a taxi driver who takes the journalist back to where he used to live in New Orleans. It took his family many years to overcome fear and hardships and eventually come back.
The text concentrates on the Lower Ninth Ward, one the place where the hurricane hit the hardest: one of the poorest areas inhabited by a mostly black population. New Orlean is a city composed by a great part of Black inhabitants and as we know, the USA is a racist country.
So, it illustrates the notion of exchanges because, during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, even if the government and media didn’t help, in contrast with people, a lot of people came to help the victims no matter the colour of their skins. Some offered a shelter to the homeless, others were willing to contribute to the cleaning or rebuilding effort and to help the population. These enterprising volunteers refused to let people fend for themselves. The inhabitants of New Orleans were sheltered by volunteers sometimes miles away from the city, often in neighboring states. Millions of volunteers, mostly white, helped either by offering a shelter or by building the devastated neighborhood again. The authorities were paralyzed with fear but people took control and stood by one another and organized help.Millions of white volunteers from other areas came in and worked alongside the victims and put aside their different.
This article show that people don’t give up. The tone of this text is quite optimistic. They are ready to struggle and stand by defenseless victims regardless of wealth, race or origin. The key values are dedication, will, love resilience, creativity, and solidarity. These values enable the victims to survive and face hardships
The text illustrates best the notion of space s and exchanges because of the solidarity between all the people. But It also illustrates the notion locations and forms of power because of the government which did nothing to help New Orleans’inhabitants and the power of the media.
II- The journalist’s video about the devastation in Lower Ninth Ward, New Orlean, Louisiana, concernes Brad Pitt, an influential people, who has helped in the disaster. Indeed, with his foundation "Make It Right" and his determined, he did fantastic work. It took them 3 months to rebuils 75 amazing houses. Brad wanted to build other houses. The new houses have been built for safety. Some houses are higher than the others. They have been built on stilts so that they cab resist another Katrina. Besides, they are sustainable and environment friendly, indeed, they generate more energy than they consume. So it is a new way to build houses.
Thus, Louisiana is a vast land of human exchanges, particularly during Katrina and internal migrations were caused to come to their aid. But is it necessary that disasters occur so that men trade but above values are born?
J'ai modifié mon sujet afin de l'améliorer un peu. J'aurais souhaité parler un peu de Trump à la fin de mon devoir (dans la conclusion) mais ne sais pas quoi dire :(
Voilà mon travail, en espérant que quelqu'un puisse avoir le temps de m'aider à corriger quelques fautes :)
I’m going to talk about the notion of Spaces and Exchanges. First of all I would like to give a definition of exchange. Spaces can be an areas or a place that are used or available for a specific purpose or a blank area between two things or elements. An Exchange can be a continuous movement or circulation; the act of giving or receiving in return or something that is given or received as a substitute for something else. In today’s modern-day world these exchanges can take several forms: economic (work exchanges, exchange of goods, trading across borders), cultural (exchange of ideas, information, education), movement of people (immigration, student exchanges…). What kind of exchanges take place in periods of chaos? In order to illustrate this notion, I’m going use two photos representing a black man calling for help and flooded houses after Hurricane Katrina, a text intituled “Solidarity in chaos” by Yes ! Magazine on august the 27th in 2010, and the last document is the film Race.
1- on those two pictures, we can see the destruction left behind in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. The death toll reached over one thousand eight hundred people and devastation was horrendous.
The first picture shows a black man who is powerless, downhearted, distraught and desperate. He is calling for help, food and water because he is starwing to death, he is thirsty. He hasn’t had drinks or food for two days and he feels abandoned. Actually, it’s because of the government, which not help the victims. It shows a real exchanges’ miss between the government and New Orlean. The second photo shows houses under water and streets which have vanished, totally flooded. The second one shows the physical destruction of the landscape and people’s homes. Several local industries were affected including oil, gas and forest industries.
2- The text is about the “aftermath of hurricane Katrina”, about the “solidarity”. Years on, the relief effort still continues and people are still only just beginning to return to their hometown.
The article focuses on a taxi driver who takes the journalist back to where he used to live in New Orleans. It took his family many years to overcome fear and hardships and eventually come back. New Orlean is a city composed by a great part of Black inhabitants and as we know, the USA is a racist country. During the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, even if the government and media didn’t help, a lot of people came to help the victims no matter the colour of their skins. Millions of volunteers, mostly white, helped either by offering a shelter or by building the devastated neighborhood again and put aside differences. So, it illustrates the notion of exchanges. The text illustrates the notion of spaces and exchanges because of the solidarity between all the people. But It also illustrates the notion locations and forms of power because of the government which did nothing to help New Orleans’inhabitants and the power of the media.
3- The film "Race" illustrates perfectly the notion of spaces and exchanges.
First because it is a film about the Olympic games which is a meeting place for athletes from the entire world. But we can also talk about the runner Lutz, who was German, and became friends with Owens even if Hitler considered him as a sort of traitor because Germany was in Nazi Government and Jesse Owens was a black athlete. The friendship and the support from Lutz to Jesse Owens during this period of chaos, which is the period of Nazism and Segregation, shows us the exchange between to different men from different counties. That's why; the film illustrates perfectly the notion of spaces and exchanges. Besides, Lutz shows that we are all the same no matter the colour of our skin and that the differences are not a frontier to exchanges.
Thus, Louisiana is a vast land of human exchanges, particularly during Katrina and internal migrations were caused to come to their aid.
But is it necessary that disasters occur so that men trade but above values are born?
Pourquoi vouloir parler de Trump à tout prix ? Que vient-il faire dans cette galère ?
Voici ce que je te propose
J'ai modifié mon sujet afin de l'améliorer un peu. J'aurais souhaité parler un peu de Trump à la fin de mon devoir (dans la conclusion) mais ne sais pas quoi dire
Voilà mon travail, en espérant que quelqu'un puisse avoir le temps de m'aider à corriger quelques fautes
I’m going to talk about the notion of Spaces and Exchanges. First of all I would like to give a definition of exchange. Spaces can be an area or a place that is used or is available for a specific purpose.. An Exchange can be a continuous movement or circulation: the act of giving or receiving in return or something that is given or received as a substitute for something else. In today’s modern world these exchanges can take several forms: economic (work exchanges, exchange of goods, trading across borders), cultural (exchange of ideas, information, education), movement of people (immigration, student exchanges…). What kind of exchanges can take place in periods of chaos? In order to illustrate this notion, I’m going use two photos representing a black man calling for help and flooded houses after Hurricane Katrina, a text titled“Solidarity in chaos” by Yes ! Magazine on august the 27th in 2010, and the last document is the film Race.
1- On those two pictures, we can see the destruction left behind in the aftermath of the hurricane Katrina. The death toll reached over one thousand eight hundred people and devastation was horrendous.
The first picture shows a black man who is powerless, , distraught and desperate. He is calling for help, food and water because he is starwing to death and he is thirsty. He hasn’t drunk or eaten for two days and he feels abandoned. Actually, it’s because of the government, which did not help the victims. It shows a lack of exchange (help, recuing) between the government andthe inhabitants of New Orleans. The second photo shows houses under water and streets which have vanished, totally flooded. The second one shows the physical destruction of the landscape and people’s homes. Several local industries were affected including oil, gas and forest industries.
2- The text is about the “aftermath of hurricane Katrina”, about the “solidarity”. Years after(il faiut preciser combien) the relief effort still continues and people are still only just beginning to return to their hometown.
The article focuses on a taxi driver who takes the journalist back to where he used to live in New Orleans. It took his family many years to overcome fear and hardship and eventually come back. New Orleans is a city composed of a majority of Black people and the least we can say is that the Bush administration did not help them promptly.. During the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the media alerted on the catastrophy but the ones who really came to help were individuals,, a lot of people , reegardless of the colour of their skins(We must not forget that racism lingers on in that part of The United States) Thousands of volunteers, , helped either by offering a shelter or by building the devastated neighborhood again So, it illustrates the notion of exchanges. Whaterver their backgrounds, people came to help.The text illustrates the notion of spaces and exchanges and the solidarity between the people.
3- The film "Race" illustrates perfectly the notion of spaces and exchanges.
First because it is a film about the Olympic games which is a meeting place for athletes from the entire world. But we can also talk about the runner Lutz, who was German, and became friends with Owens even if Hitler considered him as a sort of traitor because Germany was in Nazi Government and Jesse Owens was a black athlete. The friendship and the support from Lutz to Jesse Owens during this period of chaos, which is the period of Nazism and Segregation, shows us the exchange between to different men from different counties. That's why; the film illustrates perfectly the notion of spaces and exchanges. Besides, Lutz shows that we are all the same no matter the colour of our skin and that the différences. There is only one race: the human race
As a conclusion we often see that in tough situations (like the Hurricane Katrina) people are willing to help each other . Governements are often slow to react and so the population is often welcoming . When floods happened in France, people opened their door to get other poeple safe.
It is comforting to see that happening ; When the first ship ever to spoil the sea in a ship wreck in France in the 70 s , The Amococadix ,people from all over France came to clean the beach and save the birds that were trapped in oïl (pétrole) when they could.
Voilà je pense qu'il faut que tu restes sur des notes positives.
Pas besoin de parler de Trump ici (bien que lui joue la division pour mieux régner...mais jusqu'à quand??) J'ai simplifié (répétitions ) mais c'est OK
Botchan : en tant que professeur d'anglais (car c'est bien cela???) je me permets aimablement de vous rappeler qu'il s'agit d'être constructif. Les élèves sont tous très tendus et nous pouvons donc les encourager: "une attitude bienveillante" est attendue au bac. Commençons donc ici.. Vous n'avez pas rectifié UN mot de cette expression (c'est ,vous l'aurez remarqué ce que font les professeurs sur ce site: aider les élèves) et je trouve votre réflexion peu mesurée : je vous cite "que vient-il (TRUMP) faire dans cette GALERE."
Quant à toi Lucile, tu peux souffler maintenant et relire tranquillement tes notions et ta problématique en lele .
Je te souhaite bonne chance pour demain!! :cool:
oui c'est vrai
Pour la galère c'était de l'humour et une citation de Molière. Je voulais simplement signaler que cela risque de déséquilibrer inutilement un exposé qui me semble fort bien préparé.
(J'ai fait passer des oraux ces jours-ci et je n'ai mis que deux notes en-dessous de la moyenne si je me souviens bien, je pense donc être relativement bienveillant, même si je n'ai pas - c'est tout à fait exact - votre patience pour corriger en détail toutes les préparations présentées par les élèves ici)
C'était donc une référence connue de l'élève!!! :rolleyes:
OUI je remarque que brève ou longue (intervention) je n'ai jamais eu l'honneur de vous lire en anglais
(et la notion exposée comportait des erreurs, des redites, des inexactitudes) faciles à "retoucher" que vous n'avez pas vues , apparemment.
Il était par ailleurs tout à fait possible d'enchaîner sur Trump: la solidarité étant le sujet traité dans la notion. J'ai préféré l'écarter pour des raisons que vous devez connaître....
Il me semble qu'une élève de Terminale peut avoir lu L'Avare un jour ou l'autre.
Rassurez-vous, je suis bien professeur d'anglais mais je me suis plutôt, à tort sans doute, inscrit ici pour des raisons égoïstes (consulter les sujets concernant les langues étrangères et la littérature), et j'ai bien senti votre agacement à mon égard, je vous laisse donc le champ libre et n'interviendrai plus sur les sujets en rapport avec le bac et/ou l'anglais.
"je n'interviendrai plus"dixit Botchan!!
J'ai dû manqué VOS interventions précédentes en anglais.....Ce n'est pas parce que vous avez "senti mon agacement " que vous laissez le champ libre (la belle affaire!) mais parce que vous n'êtes pas venu dans l'esprit d'aider les élèves..Vous êtes venu comme vous l'avez clairement dit pour des raisons égoïstes ;consulter des sujets concernant l'enseignement du lycée en anglais.
Si vous n'êtes là que pour consulter les sujets , je vais faire une réponse du style qui vous tient à cœur "en jetant un coup d'œil sur le net vous devriez trouver une réponse à votre interrogation"
Il y a bien assez de travail pour deux en anglais sur ce site (et les demandes de relectures sont très fortes au mois de (fin) mars-mai-juin) C'est bien dommage car j'ai eu des problèmes tellement les demandes étaient nombreuses car les élèves écrivaient leurs sujets les uns derrière les autres sans attendre la réponse... et nous avons parlé des solutions possibles avec Cyril le webmestre (dont une a été mise en œuvre)
Ce que je n'admets pas c'est que nous sommes face à des élèves de lycée et à LA VEILLE DES ORAUX pour certains et votre intervention "mais que vient faire Trump dans cette galère" n'était pas justifiée car Trump aurait tout à fait pu faire partie du la conclusion ,en ouverture et n'apportait RIEN à l'élève . Le travail d'une élève qui ne vous a de surcroît en rien dérangé n'est pas à comparer à "une galère "
N'auriez -vous pas pu vous excuser tout simplement?? :P
Bonjour, mon oral est demain et j'aurai besoin de votre aide et de votre correction précise car je suis consciente des nombreuses fautes que je produis! Merci
I'm going to talk about «Spaces and exchanges» and Museum Restitutions. First of all, the problem of the repatriation of artefacts is often debated, there has been a great deal of controversy surrounding certain of them. It's important to know that many work of art have been lost throughout centuries due to accidentes or natural disaters such as fire, earthquakes. Some of them more damaged or destroyed during military operations and some were looted and destroyed intentionnaly for ideological reasons. We can wonder, should western museums (British museum, The Louvre) return their iconic exhibits to their countries of origin? I will answer this question by analyzing three documents: an article, «The Elgin Marbles will never return to Athens-the British Museum is their Rightful home», the video «Maori Head Repatriated to New Zealand», and to finish the marble scultpture, «Victory of Samothrace, also called the Nike of Samothrace».
The first document is an article in favour of British Museum, so the Elgin Marbles will never return to Athens. At first, the Parthenon marbles were bought by Lord Elgin from the Ottoman Empire in the 18th century. It is reported that he saved these artefacts, as they were used for target pratice by Ottoman soldiers. He then got the documents to sell them to the British Museum which made them their rightful owners. Several reasons are explained in defense of the no return of its artefacts, in the first place because a transfer of works of the British Museum in another European state seems impossible, the objects in British national museums do not belong to the Parliament or to the government, but to the museum's trustee, so no government can sell or transfert these objects. Furthermore, Athens does not possess a rather stable situation to receive Elgin marbles, because on several occasions the Parthenon was destroyed, reduced to ruins, with the lots of wars. In my opinion, it's important to sold that the Brithish Museum is free of charge for all visitors around the world : artefacts should be displayed in a place were a maximum number of people can admire or study them. Many individuals have suggested different solutions to allow everyone to see any artefacts, one idea is to digitize the works of art and in this way everyone in the souce country would be able to admire and study them. I'm disagree about the return of Elgin marbles to Athens, because I think there is no real case at all for the return of these sculptures to Greece and I believe the debate is neither politically nor culturally edifying. But I understand in a sense the wish to get back their artefacs, because they represent their history, their cultural heritage and Greece is in a difficult place today and bringing the marbles to Greece will boost the moral but also the Greece economy which is mainly centered on the tourism sector.
Secondly, I have chose the article Maori Head repatriaeted to New Zealand, talk about The Maori, who preserved religiously skulls dried by their ancestors, their art of the mummification and especially impressionants tattoos on the faces of the Maori had aroused a very deep interest on behalf of the explorers. In 2012, twenty Maori heads acquired in the XIXth century by the explorers and kept in French museums were officially restored to their community in Paris before their next repatriation in New Zealand. France long resisted handing over such cultural artefacts, but a law passed in 2010 paved the way for the return of the Maori heads. The affair concern at the same time an ethical and historic point, linked to art, bioethics and colonialism and a legal debate. In this case, I share the point of view of New Zealand, I agree with the repatriation of the heads because they are their inheritances, their ancestors and therefore their traditions. They are sacred and well preserved in their countries of origin.
Finally, for my personal document, I have chose the Winged Victory of Samothrace, also called the Nike of Samothrace, is a marble Hellenistic sculpture of Nike, represents the Greek goddess of victory. In 1999, "the residents of the Aegean Island of Samothrace, the place of birth of the Greek statue renamed Nike of Samothrace sculpture, request the Hellenistic sculpture to return in their country, by asking the Louvre Museum , where the statue is kept, where it recognizes that the sculpture returns in its natural environment. The statue is discovered in April 1863 on the island of Samothrace, by Charles Champoiseau, broken in several pieces, because the bust, the body and wings are separated, these pieces are then sent to the Louvre so that the Frenchman restores the statue. After several restorations, it is exposed to the museum, without the head which was not found. I think that the statue should not return to the country of origin, because it's thanks to French and thanks to restorations that the statue still exists, in the first museum to the world, to the view of millions of visitors. The country of origin does not have the means to finance the restorations and the statue will not enough be visited.
To conclude, the question of the return, of artefacts is complicated, because sometimes it is important that the works exposed in western museums return in their country of origin, like for the Maori heads, because they are their ancestors, their inheritances and are thus crowned and much more important for the population Maori than for the Westerners. But in most of the cases, I think that the artefacts must be exposed to the largest number of the visitors, with museums which can finance economically the restorations and preserved during lots of years.
Je vais corriger les fautes principales en majuscules car j'ai du travail ...OK
((Bonjour, mon oral est demain et j'aurai besoin de votre aide et de votre correction précise car je suis consciente des nombreuses fautes que je produis! Merci ))
I'm going to talk about «Spaces and exchanges» and Museum Restitutions. First of all, the problem of the repatriation of artefacts is often debated, there has been a great deal of controversy surrounding certain of them. It's important to know that many workS of art have been lost throughout centuries due to accidents or natural disaters such as fire, earthquakes. Some of them WERE damaged or destroyed during military operations and some were looted and destroyed intentionnaly for ideological reasons. We can wonder, should Western museums (British museum, The Louvre) return their iconic exhibits to their countries of origin? I will answer this question by analyzing three documents: an article, «The Elgin Marbles will never return to Athens-the British Museum is their Rightful home», the video «Maori Head Repatriated to New Zealand», and to finish the marble scultpture, «Victory of Samothrace, also called the Nike of Samothrace».
The first document is an article in favour of THE British Museum, so the Elgin Marbles will never return to Athens. At first, the Parthenon marbles were bought by Lord Elgin from the Ottoman Empire in the 18th century. It is reported that he saved these artefacts, as they were used for target pratice by Ottoman soldiers. He then got the documents to sell them to the British Museum AND made them their rightful owners. Several reasons are PUT FORWARD TO EXPLAIN THE FACT THAT THESE ARTEFACTS WILL STAY AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM: THE transfer of works FROM the British Museum TO another European COUNTRY seems impossible(ça ce n'est pas un bon argument , les œuvres voyages beaucoup et même des œuvres très lourdes et impressionnantes) the objects in THE British national museums do not belong to the ENGLISH Parliament or government, but to the museum's trustee, so no government can sell or transfert these objects. Furthermore, Athens does not possess a SUFFICIENT stable situation to receive THE Elgin marbles, because on several occasions the Parthenon was destroyed, reduced to ruins(????) BECAUSE OF wars. In my opinion, it's important to SAY that the Brithish Museum is free of charge for all visitors around the world : artefacts should be displayed in a place were a maximum number of people can admire or study them. Many individuals have suggested different solutions to allow everyone to see any artefacts, one idea is to digitize the works of art and in this way everyone in the souRce country would be able to admire and study them. I (pas de to be disagree mais to disagree) disagree WITH the return of Elgin marbles to Athens, because I think there is no real case at all for the return of these sculptures to Greece . But I understand in a sense the wish OT THE GREECKS to get back their artefacTs, because they represent their history, their cultural heritage and Greece is in a difficult SITUATION today and bringing the marbles to Greece will boost the moral but also the GreeCK economy which is centered on tourism.
Secondly, I have choseN the article Maori Head repatriaeted to New Zealand; The Maori RELIOUSLY preserved skulls dried by their ancestors; their art of the mummification and especially impressionants tattoos on the faces of the Maori had aroused a very deep interest on behalf of the explorers. In 2012, twenty Maori heads acquired in the XIXth century by the explorers and kept in French museums were officially restored to their community in Paris before their next repatriation TO New Zealand. France HAS long resisted handing over such cultural artefacts, but a law passed in 2010 paved the way for the return of the Maori heads. The affair concernED at the same time an ethical and historic point, linked to art, bioethics and colonialism and a legal debate. In this case, I share the point of view of New Zealand, I agree with the repatriation of the heads because they are their inheritances, their ancestors and therefore their traditions. They are sacred and well preserved in their countries of origin.
Finally, for my personal document, I have chose the Winged Victory of Samothrace, also called the Nike of Samothrace.IT is a marble Hellenistic sculpture of Nike AND represents the Greek goddess of victory. In 1999, "the residents of the Aegean Island of Samothrace, the place of birth of the Greek statue renamed Nike of Samothrace sculpture, requestED the Hellenistic sculpture to return in their country, by asking the Louvre Museum , where the statue is kept, where it ADMITTED that the sculpture returns in its natural environment. The statue WAS discovered in April 1863 on the island of Samothrace, by Charles Champoiseau, broken in several pieces, because the bust, the body and wings WERE separated; These pieces WERE then sent to the Louvre so that the Frenchman restoreD the statue. After several restorations, it is exposed to the museum, without the head which was not found. I think that the statue should not return to the country of origin, because it's thanks to French and thanks to restorations that the statue still exists, in the first museum OF the world, to the view of millions of visitors. The country of origin does not have the means to finance the restorations and the statue will be ADMIRED AS MUCH
To conclude, the question of the return, of artefacts is complicated, because sometimes it is important that the works exposed in museums return TO their country of origin, like for the Maori heads, because they are their ancestors, their inheritances AND SACRED. THEY ARE much more important for the population Maori thanANYONE ELSE. But in most cases, I think that the artefacts must be exposed to the largest number of the visitors, IN museums which can finance the restorations and preserve THE BEAUTY OF THE WORKS ON A REGULAR BASIS.
C'est très intéressant et ce sujet est peu traité . Attention parfois vous mettez un mot pour un autre (étourderie?) et vos phrases sont trop longues
J'ai enlevé le morceau de phrase sur la politique qui vous entraînait vers un autre débat et l'idée de "west" et "western"
Je ne comprends pas pourquoi vous dites que le Parthénon a été plusieurs fois à l'état de ruines : vous pouvez PAR CONTRE parler du taux de pollution élevé à Athènes . There is a very high pollution rate in Athenes which endangers the Parthenon.
Bon courage pour demain :)
marie LNm
Bonjour, je passe cette année mon oral d'anglais, pouvez-vous m'aider à corriger ma notion et me donner votre avis. Merci beaucoup. :D
We will talk about the notion “Spaces and Exchanges”. It exists 2 sorts spaces, a real places and virtual spaces. In this spaces many exchanges take place, a movement or circulation and communication.
We are going to talk about the immigration between Mexico and the United States.
We will deal with the problematic: “To what extent can emigration change people’s life”
Firstly we will see that immigration can make their life better, then we will explain that immigration is not always beneficial.
Immigration is a phenomenon very present today. Indeed, there are some reasons called “push factors” who can drive people leave their country. For example the poverty, ecological problems, the war. And other reasons called “pull factors” will incite people to more to another country. Mexico is a country very affected by the immigration of its population and the United States is a country that makes many immigrants dream.
In the talk show entitled “New horizons”, the journalist Bill Connelly interviewee a Mexican immigrants Alejandro Perez. He left is native country for to avoid poverty and for to have a better life. He goes to the USA because there is a better education and there are so many jobs available. In the document “Coming to the USA”. The immigration changed Martin Sanchez life because she dos higher education. She love’s USA for freedom.
Immigration permitted to them to live a better life, to realize dreams that are not always possible in their native country.
When people immigrant their life is not necessarily better. The life he thought they had when they emigrated to the United States is not reality. Migrants have to face the harsh American reality. Indeed, there is a lot of poverty in the USA, there are few measures for to help immigrants. In the picture “The Louis ville flood”, we can see a lot of people black immigrants who queuing up for food because they are destitute and maybe homeless. These people don’t have a better life in the USA, they have to face the same difficulties that are present in their native country.
If we are a paperless immigrant the life is more difficult because there are not legal recognition in the countries. In the audio document, an undocumented women explains to us that she works hard and at the same time she does everything for to have her diploma. But without paper her diploma serves him nothing. Even working hard all his life to achieve his American dream, immigrants face obstacles hard to overcome. So the American dream is a lie for immigrants.
To conclude, emigration change people’s life so positively or negatively. In fact, immigration allows people in great difficulty to live in better condition. But the American dream is not a reality for all immigrants, the conditions of life are not necessarily better than that of their native countries. Most of the time they do not know the life he is waiting for in USA.
Marie ()
Il ne suffit pas de "déposer" un texte sur ce site et d'attendre que quelqu'un veuille bien corriger tes (hélas!-nombreuses fautes)
Je t'ai déjà indiqué pour ton autre texte (et l'ensemble de ce que tu présentes en anglais et en espagnol) que tu ne présentes pas soit assez de documents (TROIS en tout) soit que tu ne les présentes pas (dates entre autres)
Il faut donc que tu réorganises ton travail , que tu te relises (as-tu déjà vu des textes ou pour introduire "pour" devant un verbe on écrit" for to"?)
Qui sont donc ces "black immigrants" dont tu nous parles ? Emploie t-on ces termes ? Tu nous présentes les "immigrants" comme des personnes venues chercher un meilleur "ailleurs" ...donc d'où viennent ces black immigrants -volontaires , hum hum??- Peux -tu essayer d'analyser cette image qui date -eh oui de 1930-Il faut que tu prennes de la distance dans ce que tu avances et de la distance dans ce que tu vois (cette image est-elle le reflet de la réalité des années 30 aux Etats -Unis?)
As-tu entendu (juste "entendu") parler de la crise financière de 1929 ?
Tout n'est pas à prendre au pied de la lettre "at face value"
Vraiment prends le temps de relire tes cours , de te renseigner , de TE relire et d'actualiser tes notions
Ta conclusion doit ouvrir sur un sujet plus large et actuel (Trump n'aurait il pas pris quelques mesures en matière d'immigration?)
Tu présentes deux notions ce qui signifie sans doute que tu présentes LVA et LV1 en même temps: ce n'est pas le niveau attendu
Je veux bien t'aider pour ton anglais mais tu dois te donner la peine de connaître ton sujet et ce que l'on attend de toi.
TROIS documents
Des références exactes et mises à jour
Des connaissances linguistiques et culturelles ("her diploma serves him nothing " hum..)
Une relecture attentive (il manque parfois des termes et cela rend la phrase bancale)
Voici ma dernière notion portant sur le theme de "spaces and exchanges ",si vous en avez le temps, pouvez vous me la corriger ?
Merci pour votre travail.
I'm going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges. First of all, I would like to give a definition of the notion. We can define exchanges as a continuous movement of circulation. There are different types of exchanges (with people, Financial, education)
Thanks to the globalization the world is built around dynamics of exchanges and human's move like emigration and immigration. We could pursue our development on Mexicans who dream of settling in USA. However, here, we'll focus on Ireland. In 19th century the great famine has caused 1 million deaths. Many Irish people were forced to emigrate in USA, they wanted to have normal life. Due to this emigration and immigration, the Ireland's economy has been impacted through two main periods: before and after the boom. Firstly, I will talk about the living condition before the boom and finally I will explain that the boom helped Irish's people during a finite period of time
It all began in the 20th century, Irish people suffered from unemployment, poverty, famine. The cause of the famine was a potato disease. At this time one third of the entire population was entirely dependent on potatoes food. That's why Irish's people emigrated to the USA, why the USA? Because they believed in the American dream. However, during their emigration, they had to overcome many obstacles to flee their country. In the 1950's the situation became really difficult in particular in 1958 were 60 000 persons left. Following decades were not better, unfortunately the country the emigration rate stays in the 1990's the economy has been stagnant for years that's why many Irish's people also emigrated in other country. They cannot stay because they wouldn't have a job. Some Irishwoman's explains that her village was not connected to the big cities by buses or trains. As a consequence, she had no choice either to move to a large city or move abroad.
Nevertheless, Ireland had a very Young educated and English-speaking work force. Indeed, youth was highly-skilled and diplomate. As a consequence, this attracted companies from abroad they had tax breaks and cheaper rents than in other countries. That's why they massively invest in Ireland. The boom was bound to happen. This economic success made people full really optimistic and positive about the future. During the boom, Ireland became a magnet for a lot of immigrants. Over 50% came from eastern Europe where unemployment was particularly high. Around 18% came from outside Europe, mainly from Zimbabwe, Congo and Angola. Money was pouring between 1995 and 2007, just before the sub primes. Government splashed the cash without knowing what else to do with. Maybe, instead of squandering the revenue from taxes, it should have been more cautious. It should have thought about the future. However, this boom didn't last so long. In 2007, the sub primes crisis in the USA caused a global economic crisis, Ireland was particularly affected because it relied on credits. Therefore the 2008 economic bust resulted in. a crash in property prices, high unemployment and new wave of emigration.
To conclude, for decades and even for centuries. Ireland has been suffering from unemployment and poverty which made emigration rate always higher. However, the boom happened in the 90's allowing the country to develop and to try to avoid brain-drain. Besides Dublin's average rent had appears that if companies are still implanting in Ireland, the country still faces brain-drain. Indeed, Ireland is a well-known for studying, less for working
Pour Physichi
Je vous propose:
I'm going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges. First of all, I would like to give a definition of the notion. We can define exchanges as a continuous movement of circulation. There are different types of exchanges (with people, Financial, education)
Thanks to globalization the world is built around dynamics of human exchanges and like emigration and immigration. I have chosen to focus on Ireland. In the 19th century(date exacte?) a great famine caused 1 million deaths. Many Irish people were forced to emigrate in USA, they wanted to have normal life. Due to this emigration, the Irish economy was impacted through two main periods: before and after the boom.(????) Firstly, I will talk about the living condition before the boom and finally I will explain that the boom helped Irish people during a finite period of time
It all began in the 20th century, Irish people suffered from unemployment, poverty, famine. The cause of the famine was a potato disease. At this time one third of the entire population was entirely dependent on potatoes . That's why the Irish people emigrated to the USA. They believed in the American dream. However, during their emigration, they had to overcome many obstacles to flee their country. In the 1950's the situation became really difficult in particular in 1958 when 60 000 people left. The following decades were not better, unfortunatelyso people continued to emigrate (je ne cmprends pas: êtes vous sur des dates???quel document?? : je ne valide pas tout ce que vous dites ensuite sur les années modernes de l'Ireland : rien sur le conflit nord sud..) in the 1990's the economy has been stagnant for years that's why many Irish's people also emigrated in other country. They cannot stay because they wouldn't have a job. Some Irishwoman's explains that her village was not connected to the big cities by buses or trains. As a consequence, she had no choice either to move to a large city or move abroad : mais que faites vous des quotas , du problème de la guerre en Irlande qui n'incitait pas (!!) à accepter les Irlandais
Nevertheless, Ireland had a very Young and well-educated English-speaking work force. Indeed, youth was highly-skilled and diplomate(????). As a consequence, this attracted companies from abroad they had tax breaks and cheaper rents than in other countries. That's why they massively invest in Ireland. The boom(définissez ce mot qui ,remplacer le car il n'a pas le même sens dans les deux cas) was bound to happen. This economic success made people really optimistic and positive about the future.(sur quel document vous appuyez vous, quelle période?) During the boom, Ireland became a magnet for a lot of immigrants. Over 50% came from eastern Europe(quels pays et QUAND) where unemployment was particularly high. Around 18% came from outside Europe, mainly from Zimbabwe, Congo and Angola. Money was pouring between 1995 and 2007, just before the sub primes. Government splashed the cash(???) without knowing what else to do with. Maybe, instead of squandering the revenue from taxes, it should have been more cautious. It should have thought about the future. However, this boom(??) didn't last so long. In 2007, the sub primes crisis in the USA caused a global economic crisis, Ireland was particularly affected because it relied on credits. Therefore the 2008 economic bust resulted in. a crash in property prices, high unemployment and new wave of emigration.(d'où vers où?)
je ne connais pas ce sujet : je ne connais pas votre document .
To conclude, for decades and even for centuries. Ireland has been suffering from unemployment and poverty which made emigration rate always higher. However, the boom happened in the 90's allowing the country to develop and to try to avoid brain-drain. Besides Dublin's average rent had appears that if companies are still implanting in Ireland, the country still faces brain-drain. Indeed, Ireland is a well-known for studying, less for working (vote phrase est TRES ambiguë: l'Ireland est connue pour etudier, moins que travailler(?)
Je vous ai déjà demandé de citer vos sources quand j'ai corrigé une autre notion ;faites le
Je peux guère vous aider car à moins de m'expliquer ce que vous voulez exprimer en français , je ne comprends pas ces "booms" dont vous parlez : il faut utiliser des termes précis en relation avec le sujet traité. :/
Aller lire a minima Wkipedia qui donne quelques explications sur les "causes" de la famine et les "causes" de la relance (CEE)
Bonjour Fidji et merci pour votre correction
Je vous joins également une correction que j'ai effectué.
I'm going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges. First of all, I would like to give a definition of the notion. We can define exchanges as a continuous movement of circulation. There are different types of exchanges (with people, Financial, education)
Thanks to globalization the world is built around dynamics of human exchanges and like emigration and immigration. I have chosen to focus on Ireland. In 1845 until 1848 a great famine caused 1 million deaths. Many Irish people were forced to emigrate in USA, they wanted to have normal life. Due to this emigration, the Irish economy was impacted through two main periods: before and after the boom. The boom represents a period when the Irish's economies exploded. Firstly, I will talk about the living condition before the boom and finally I will explain that the boom helped Irish people during a finite period of time
It all began in the 20th century, Irish people suffered from unemployment, poverty, famine. Indeed, in the document "Forced to leave "we saw that many Irish's people emigrated. We can explain this emigration by the cause of famine who forced people to leave their country. The cause of the famine was a potato disease. At this time one third of the entire population was entirely dependent on potatoes. Many Irish people emigrated to the USA because they believed in the American dream. However, during their emigration, they had to overcome many obstacles to flee their country. The document explains that in the 1950's the situation became really difficult for Ireland in particular in 1958 when 60 000 people left. The following decades were not better, unfortunately so people continued to emigrate. (Je n'ai pas abordé le sujet de conflit nord sud dois-je en parler ? ) . Moreover in the 1990's the economy has been stagnant for years that's why many Irish's people also emigrated in other country. They cannot stay because they couldn't have a job. We saw in a video "what generated the boom" an Irishwoman explained that her village was not connected to the big cities by buses or trains. As a consequence, she had no choice either to move to a large city or move abroad. Many Protestants left the country in the early 1920s, either because they felt unwelcome in a predominantly Catholic and nationalist state, because they were afraid due to the burning of Protestant homes (particularly of the old landed class) by republicans during the civil war ( ici je ne connais pas le sujet,les examinatuers ne risquent t'ils pas de me poser des questions sur cela,mise à part ma culture général je ne saurais répondre au question, dois je le garder ? )
Nevertheless, Ireland had a very Young and well-educated English-speaking work force. Indeed, youth was highly-skilled.As a consequence, this attracted companies from abroad they had tax breaks and cheaper rents than in other countries. That's why they massively invest in Ireland. We saw in a report that this economic success made people really optimistic and positive about the future During the boom, Ireland became a magnet for a lot of immigrants. Indeed, the document "Ireland goes global "explains that in 1995 until 2007 over 50% came from eastern Europe where unemployment was particularly high. Around 18% came from outside Europe, mainly from Zimbabwe, Congo and Angola. Money was pouring between 1995 and 2007, just before the sub primes. Its economy began to boom: The Celtic tiger was born. It was the ultimate economic rags-to-riches success story. With a lot of money, the government splashed the cash without knowing what else to do with. Maybe, instead of squandering the revenue from taxes, it should have been more cautious. It should have thought about the future. However, this good economy didn't last so long. In 2007, the sub primes crisis in the USA caused a global economic crisis, Ireland was particularly affected because it relied on credits. Therefore the 2008 economic bust resulted in. a crash in property prices, high unemployment and new wave of emigration from Ireland to USA
To conclude, for decades and even for centuries. Ireland has been suffering from unemployment and poverty which made emigration rate always higher. However, the boom happened in the 90's allowing the country to develop and to try to avoid brain-drain. Besides Dublin's average rent had appears that if companies are still implanting in Ireland, the country still faces brain-drain. Indeed, Ireland is a well-known for studying
Bonne soirée
Ok je regarde cela demain.
Pour Physichi
I'm going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges. First of all, I would like to give a definition of thIS notion. We can define exchanges as a continuous movement of circulation. There are different types of exchanges (HUMAN,, financial, educational)
Thanks to globalization the world is built around dynamics of human exchanges like emigration and immigration. I have chosen to focus on Ireland.FROM 1845 TO1848 a great famine caused 1 million deaths. Many Irish people were forced to emigrate in USA, they wanted to have normal life. Due to this emigration, the Irish economy was impacted TWICE: before and after the ecomomic boom. The boom represents a period when the Irish economy exploded. Firstly, I will talk about the living conditionS before the boom and finally I will explain that the boom helped Irish people .
THE CRISIS WAS AT ITS PEAK in the 20th century, Irish people suffered from unemployment, poverty, famine. Indeed, in the document "Forced to leave "(dates, sources?)we saw that many Irish's(j'ai corrigé cette erreur Irish est un adjectif: Irish people) people emigratedto the USA. We can explain this emigration BECAUSE STARVATION forced people to leave their country. The cause of the famine was a potato diseasefrom ..(dte) to ...(date) At this time one third of the entire population was entirely dependent on potatoes. Many Irish people emigrated to the USA because they believed in the American dream AND HOPED FOR A BETTER LIFE. However, during their emigration, they had to overcome many obstacles to flee their country. The document explains that in the 1950's the situation became really difficult for Ireland in particular in 1958 when 60 000 people left. The following decades were not better, unfortunately so people continued to emigrate. (Je n'ai pas abordé le sujet de conflit nord sud dois-je en parler ? ) .voir la suite:
Moreover in the 1990's the economy has been stagnant because of the war in Northern Ireland and for years many Irish people CONTINUED to emigrate. . We saw in a video what also encourraged the emigration: an Irishwoman explained(quelle video, quand etc..) that her village was not connected to the big cities by buses or trains. As a consequence, she had to move to a large city or move abroad. ((Many ProtestantsCATHOLICS left the country in the early 1920s, either because they felt unwelcome in a predominantly PROTESTANT and nationalist state, because they were afraid due to the burning of Protestant homes (particularly of the old landed class) by republicans (???)during the civil war ( ici je ne connais pas le sujet,les examinatuers ne risquent t'ils pas de me poser des questions sur cela,mise à part ma culture général je ne saurais répondre au question, dois je le garder ? )) Non car vous avez évoqué le sujet (L'Irlande du sud à majorité catholique -EIRE- était indépendante et l'Irlande du Nord , plus pauvre et en majorité protestante (mais ce ne sont pas les seules causes ) n'arrivait pas à obtenir son indépendance: l'Angleterre ne voulait pas lâcher cette partie de l'Irlande et les Irlandais du Sud voyaient d'un mauvais œil cette Irlande du Nord qui pouvait les appauvrir) Voilà vous le savez mais n'en parlez pas dans votre exposé . En plus vous êtes vous aperçu que vous faisiez un bond en arrière dans les dates? C'est trop difficile à suivre.
Nevertheless,in ......... Ireland (de quelle Irlande parlez vous?)had a very young and well-educated English-speaking work force.(MAIS D'où "sortent-ils) Puisque que selon vous beaucoup sont parts...(voilà ce que je ne comprend pas) Indeed, YOUNG PEOPLE were highly-skilled. EUROPE had financially helped Ireland.As a consequence, this attracted companies from abroad they had tax breaks and cheaper rents than in other countries. That's why they(précisez) massively invested in Ireland(laquelle , de quelle Irlande parle votre texte). We saw in a report(date, sources du document : je vous le REdis sans cesse) that this economic success made people really optimistic and positive about the future
During this economic growth boom, Ireland became a magnet for a lot of immigrants. Indeed, the document "Ireland goes global "(sources, dates!!)explains that FROM 1995 TO 2007 over 50% immigrants came from Eastern Europe where unemployment was particularly high. Around 18% came from outside Europe, mainly from Zimbabwe, Congo and Angola. Money was pouring IN between 1995 and 2007, just before the sub primes crisis. With a lot of money, the government splashed the cash without knowing what else to do with. J'enlève tout ce qui touche à une critique d'une mesure politique comme je vous l'avais expliqué , il ne faut pas "donner de conseils et si , et si..) However, this HEALTHY economy didn't last long. In 2007, the sub primes crisis in the USA caused a global economic crisis, Ireland was affected because it relied on credits. Therefore the 2008 economic bust resulted in. a crash in property prices, high unemployment. and new wave of emigration from Ireland to USA .(MAIS pourquoi les Irlandais iraient-ils aux Etats Unis où se trouvait le problème en dix fois pire?
To conclude, for decades and even for centuries. Ireland has been suffering from unemployment and poverty which made emigration rate high. However, the ecomic boom in the 90s allowed the country to develop and to try to avoid the brain-drain.Ireland (vous parlez de Dublin:il s'agit donc de The Republic of Ireland=EIRE)became an attractive country . The sorrows of the past due to famine seemed removed (lointains)
Conseils : s'il s'agit bien de l'Ireland du Sud ,précisez le (attention vérifier bien la date d'accession à l'indépendance:votre première partie peut concerner L'Ireland dans sa globalité)
Je vous ai dit de citer vos sources: quel journal, quelle date etc...C'est très important.
Bonjour Fidji
Merci pour vos différentes correction.Vous êtes d'une aide précieuse.
Passez un bon week end
Merci à vous ;)