Bonjour, je suis actuellement en train de rédiger mon dossier de bac sur places and forms of power avec pour thématique "African Americans" avec pour problématique "Did art have an influence in the fight of African Americans for their rights?". J'ai réussi à faire l'introduction mais je n'arrive pas à trouver un plan, je pensais faire une partie pour chaque forme d'art étudiée mais cela ne répondrait pas à la problématique, quelqu'un aurait-il des conseils ou des idées s'il vous plaît?
Bonjour !
Aujourd'hui je viens solliciter votre aide car je n'arrive vraiment pas à trouver de documents pertinent concernant une notion qui me tient à coeur en LVA vu que je dois présenter un dossier à la fin de l'année :)
J'ai décidé de m'occuper de la notion : Places and form of power - The 4th Power ( The Press )
Ma problématique étant " Shall we limit the freedom of the press " je cherche depuis quelques jours des documents que je pourrais apporter à cette problématique en vain .. Si quelqu'un aurait une petite idée sur un document pertinent ( Je n'ai choisi qu'une affaire opposant le New York Time contre les Etats Unis ^^ )
Merci d'avance.
Mais, tu n'as étudié aucun texte/document en cours ?
Ton prof est censé te remettre une liste sur laquelle se trouvent tous les documents que vous avez étudié au cours de l'année. Cette fiche est également remise à l'examinateur, pour éviter d'ajouter des documents qui n'ont pas été vus au cours. Demande à ton professeur cette liste.
Bien sur, j'ai étudié des documents en classe qui figurent dans le dossier, mais étant en LVA je dois rajouter des documents personnels qui viennent compléter mon dossier et s'associer à ma problématique :)
Ok je ne comprenais pas. Alors ce que j'ai fait (LVA, LV1 ou LV2) c'est que j'ai cherché des cartoons, ils sont toujours bien appréciés. Tapes "cartoon freedom of the press" sur google, tu en a pas mal très intéressant. En plus ils sont souvent accompagnés d'une explication, donc d'une pierre deux coups :)
Bonjour, voila j'ai préparé la notion "lieux et formes de pouvoir" mais dans mon exposé je ne parle que d'un seul document, un film, qui répond bien à ma problématique. Mais voila j'ai un coup de stress car je ne sais pas si mon exposé correspond aux attentes des examinateurs. En effet, je crois que j'ai fait une sorte de résumé du film mais qui répond bien à la problématique (je sais je me répète). En gros, je n'utilise qu'un seul document dans mon exposé lequel je résume pour répondre à la problématique; peux je m'en sortir avec ça? voici mon exposé
I am going o talk about the notion “places and forms of power”. First of all I'd like to give a definition of the notion. The term “Places” denotes important buildings or instituions. Power is the ability to control others, events or resources; the ability to make things happen despite obstacles, opposition. I'd like to illustrate this notion through the theme of the power of media. « Whoever controls the media controls the mind (Jim Morrison) »-we may wonder how much power do the media have over us ? In order to answer to the question, I am going to speak about the film “Killing the messenger” which focus on the journalist Garry Webb. Firstly, I will speak about the first part of the film in which Garry discover something strange and start the investigation, then I will study the second part in which media hound Garry.
The film “Kill the messenger” is based on the true story of journalist Garry Web. The action takes place in the midd-1990s in the United States. Garry worked as investigative reporter for San Jose Mercury news. In the beginning of the film, Garry receive documents that show a possible connection between CIA and the drug trade in Los Angeles. Then, the investigation begun. He travelled to Nicaragua to speak with an Nicaraguan ex-drug-trafficker, Meneses, which he suspected to trade drugs in Los Angeles streets. Meneses told him, something terribel, he tolds him that he sold drugs under the protection of CIA, in the eighties. The profits of the drug trafficking paid arms and resources for “contras rebels”, a Latin America guerrila opposed to the Nicaraguan communist government. America fought against the communisme and it was in her interest to let Meneses to sell drugs. Then, Garry met a banker who laundered money of the drug. This last, showed him the place when the drug was stored, ready to be transport to the United States. Back to America, Garry had enough prooves to write an article. The chief director gave him the permission and he wrote a series of articles named “Dark Alliance” when he made a link between CIA and the drug trade in LA.
This revelations outraged African-American comunity because, according to Garry's article, the drugs was sold in the neighborhood of Los Angeles where the majority of the population was black. CIA couldn't stand these accusations. Then it called for media with which it had close relations to say them that these revelations were a grossest lie. Moreover, the most important medias in USA were in a temper because they were not aware about this affair. Consequently N-Y Times, LA Times and Washington Post published articles which misquoted Garry's declarations in order to refute them easier, which claimed that Garry never met Meneses and which quoted only government statements which obvisouly denied any involvement of the CIA in the LA drug trade. San Jose Mercury News was a small newspaper and hadn't big influence comparing to Washington Post or LA Time. So, public opinion was on their side. Also, these newspapers wrote Garry's biography in which they highlighted his defaults, they reveal the dark sides of his personal life: all this in order to compromise him and to make him look crazy. Later, his own newpaper called into question his affirmations and wrote an article when it recognized the lack of prooves and apologized to their readers. Then, Garry resign from his reporter post. After leaving the Mercury News he said about the government: “The government side of the story is coming through the LA Times, N-Y Times and the Washington Post”
As nobody trusted Garry, even his entourage, we can say that the giant corporate press success to control the mind of people and to change a true story in a story that didn't make sense although there was evident prooves of the CIA's implication. In my opinion, we shouldn't always trust the most important medias just because of their reputation,. We must check their information, their sources and we must to build up our own opinion on the situation.
Pourquoi je n'ai utilisé qu'un seul document? Parce qu'au cours de l'année nous avons eu 4 professeurs remplaçants en tout et on a quasiment aucun document en relation avec la notion...
Bonjour, j'aurais besoin d'aide concernant la préparation de mes oraux en anglais s'il vous plaît merci d'avance... ;) Soyez le plus sincère que possible je passe dans 12 jours.. Je sais aussi que je fais beaucoup de fautes de grammaires en anglais :/
The notion I'm going to deal with is Seats and forms of power. According to me power is the control and influence exercised over others. There are different kinds of power.The subject of my oral presentation wil be India a contry of contradictions.
First I would like to talk about Inadia a contry many contradictions and paradoxales yet nowadays, secondly I also mention the existence of the Dalits in India which is a real problem.
Je n'ai pas de problématique est ce que cela pose problème??
India is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by area, the second-most populous country with over 1.2 billion people, and the most populous democracy in the world.
India is the land of paradox and contradictions: ostentatious wealth and extreme poverty, deep-rootedbetween tradition and modernity. India is like no other place. It is one of the fastest growing economies in the world and is developing rapidly. For example, industry of high technology in recent years has taken off in India. The good example of industry of high technology is Infosys Technologies [as we show in the picture of the book ] is an Indian multinational provider of business consulting, technology, engineering, and outsourcing services situated headquarters in Bangalore.
We can also say that India has one of the largest armies in the world and that it has nuclear weapons.
I can not speak of India and not to mention their own film industry.
In fact, Bollywood is the name given to the Indian film industry which is modeled on Hollywood. Bollywood films, distributed throughout India, export around the world.
However, despite the importance of large industrial groups and the development of high technology, India is a country very unequal where much of the population lives in poverty high.
On the one hand on one side, we have India with a large number of millionaires and a middle class that is growing and open to the world, on the other hand the majority of the population remains poor . We are in the 21st century, India is "emerging power" and yet it is a country of traditions.
In India, dowry is a tradition that still exists. Indeed, the family of the girl must pay a dowry to the future husband's family for marriage. The dowry tradition explains also why the parents do not want to have daughters. Shilipi Somaya is the author of the new "secret daughter" where it tells the story of a poor Indian family, Kavita and Jasu for whom the birth of a daughter is a disaster. The extract dealt with the issue of childbirth (accouchement) and the fear (crainte) of having a daughter. When Kavita gives birth to her baby, her husband announced: “you know we can’t keep this baby, we are not rich”. “we need a boy to help in the fields." . This baby will be a drain for the family.
In addition to reducing women to an object, this tradition is also responsible for thousands of deaths each year. In fact, according to statistics,[ data in a census in 2011 as extracted from the document in the book shows us ] in two thousand and eleven it was estimated that there were nine hundred forty (940) girls aged six and under for every thousand boys. Six hundred thousand girls go missing every year. If the bride's family can not pay dowry, the husband's family begins to violate the woman who ends up committing suicide or being murdered.
More over let's take the case of the Dalits. India is divided into four unequal hereditary social castes: it’s the cast system. If someone was born in one of these castes, he can’t change or marry someone belonging to another cast. Exist another cast in this cast system, but this one is outcastes: it’s the Untouchables or Dalits one. It’s the lowest caste because Dalits are only allowed certain jobs such as cleaners, cobblers. Even the cast system is forbidden, it still exists in rural areas and more precisely, still exists discrimination against Dalits. In fact, they are obliged to use specific eating places, schools, temples and water sources. Today, there are 170 million Dalits in India and over 40 percent survive on less than 2 dollars a day. It’s the first form of inequalities among citizens in India. If exist inequalities among citizens, exist also inequalities among men and women.
Je n'ai pas la prétention de corriger ton texte, je ne veux pas t'induire en erreur. Par contre, la notion est "places and forms of power", ça peut paraître dérisoire mais d'aucuns diront que les examinateurs y tiennent, donc dans le doute :) Et tu dois avoir une problématique, tu t'appuieras d'ailleurs sur tes textes pour y répondre. Bon courage !
Je stress :rolleyes: y a t-il autres choses à changer?
Ma problématique est la suivante " WHY IS INDIA SAID TO BE A COUNTRY OF CONTRADICTION? "
Si je garde le même plan je pense que c'est bon...? Non?
S'il vous plait j'ai d'un oeil critique et d'une correction
Bonjour ! Je suis en terminale L , je dois donc passer un oral en anglais renforcé ^^
Je voudrais savoir si ma problématique est correct pour la notion Lieux et formes de pouvoir sachant que l'on s'est concentrés sur le pouvoir de la peur et que j'ai étudié deux documents , le premier étant une pièce de théâtre sur les sorcières , le deuxième traitant de la blacklist aux USA en 1950 et enfin le dernier qui est un document personnel qui est une photo d'un gang latino américain je voudrais savoir si pour vous cette problématique vous semble juste :
How has the notion of fear evolve through time ?
Comment la notion de peur a t-elle evoluée à travers le temps ?
Par ailleurs , est ce que la formulation de la question est bonne ? :/
Bon eh bien j'répond un peu tard mais c'est pas grave ( j'espère que vos épreuves ce sont bien passées ! :D )
Du coup moi mon oral c'est le 25 j'ai encore un peu de temps vu que j'ai le mercredi sans épreuve ça me permettra de réviser comme il faut !
Donc concernant ma notion sur la presse j'ai préféré choisir des images critiques avec des sens qu'il faudra expliquer je sais que les examinateurs aiment bien ça, et je cherche un cas opposant la presse à un gouvernement ..
POUR CEUX QUI ONT LA MÊME NOTION : Je peux vous conseiller un texte tout simplement somptueux, hein, il vous assurera une chance supplémentaire de plaire à l'examinateur le jour même ! Il s'agit de " The Truth " l'histoire d'un journaliste nigérian qui critique le gouvernement militaire dans son pays et qui en paie le prix fort, malheureusement je l'ai étudié en classe du coup j'vais pas pouvoir l'intégré en document perso' mais je l'ai choisi ^^
et concernant ma séquence sur les noirs américains, j'ai choisis de me baser sur des personnages célèbres de par leurs actes qui ne représentaient rien avant le mouvement des Civil Rights, et l'image de Barack Obama dans le bus avec Rosa Parks représentant la finalisation du combat mené par des inconnus qui ont permis un changement radical dans le pays ^^
Du coup, je sais que ma notion sur les héros sera bien plus renforcée que celle sur la presse et je n'aime pas ça, si quelqu'un a une petite histoire d'un journal contre un gouvernement ça m'arrangerait bien ^^ !
Merde pour la littérature lundi :D ! ( ça sent les mains libres ! :( )
I'm going to talk about the notion « Places and forms of power »
First I would like to give a definition of the notion
→ Power is the ability to influence the behavior of people. In order to live together members of a community accept rules and laws. This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions. Even when authority seems absolute, there are always counter-powers which question it, aim at limiting its excesses and resist it.
→ In order, to illustrate this notion, I have chosen to talk about the power of media with the key question « Can you trust the media ? » I have chosen 2 documents view in class. The first it's a oral comprehension this name is « Show the true » it's about an ambedded journalist, and my document 2 it's a picture who is made of three differents parts.
Yes, we can trust the media. Media are differents forms, tabloïds, internet, or newspappers. In my document 1, a oral comprehension of a embedded journalist, we can see his jod. This journalist, travel on the world. He has to take photos of what he sees. He work in war countries, he is on the battlefields. He has to be remain. Just this man see the verity about the war in other countries, he riks his life, so he lied ?
No, we can't trust the media.My document two it's a picture who is made of three different parts. On the left, we can see a man, he's kneeling on the floor while a soldat pointing a gun on his forehead.On the right we can see the same prisoner is beaing helped by a solder who gives him some water in the flask. This two differemt part form 1 photo. How the media can manipulate viewpoint of population.
I think it's about the notion of moral code when we speak about information and manipulation of pictures. For my part, they we show and they we tell what they want.
So we can't trust the média.
i'm going to talk about the notion idea of progress
First i would like to give a definition of the notion
→ The idea of progress can be difined like an improvement , a development or a change.
→ A technical, scientific or social advance which contributies to making the world a better place.
In order for illustrate this notion, I have chosen to talk about the women's right and how the power of women ha evolued in the history with 3 different documents.
Their fight of women has long and difficult. For exemple we can see her fight in my first document, the movie « the Suffragettes », it's a true story about the women's right to vote. In this movie we can see Maud, Maud it's a protagonist. Maud fight for the right to vote. In the century 20th, women not allowed to divorce, vote, study, or have highter education. Maud work in langerie since 9 years.
At the time, women stay in the shadow of men. Many women fight for their rights ? For be finnancially independant, or for child care. The chase resulted in !
In 1928, women's right to vote. But today women has really the same vote of men ?
In the history, women are fighting for her rights and particulary the same right of a man. Today women's are equal of men ?
According my document 2 who is an extract of the discourt of Malala Yousafzaï. She is a young women who have wan the Nobel prize of peace in 2014. Malala fighting for right to education of children (particulary girls) in Pakistan an the world. There are stille 57million children who have not received education ans it's mainly girls. So today the fight is not finish, today every women should can talk, or do everythink.
For my part, the right of women are delicate. Today, it's necessary to continue to defend ! We have to be carefull, future generations can forget the history, and lost her rights, and that do not forget .
The fight will never finish.
Bonjour, Bonsoir, j'aurais besoin d'aide pour corriger mon texte d'anglais pour l'oral du bac, s'il-vous-plaît :)
Power is a term that covers a multitude of issues and different definitions. Power is the ability to influence, control the behavior of other people or the political or social authority exercised by a government or an institution. As for me, medias are part of this notion because mass medias are visible to anyone, anywhere and everywhere. It makes easier to impose power on people.
We can ask:
Why can we say that the media have an important power in our contemporary word?
I’m going to speak about the power of the printed news and TV news, and after about the power of Internet.
The main advantage of those two medias is that a very large part of the population has access to it.
To start with, the printed news and TV news are population’s favorites ways to learn about the news. They are also a certified source of information contrary to Internet where anybody can write what he wants. That gives to the printed and TV news a very high power over the information
In some countries, the power of the press is so strong that it even exceeds the one of the State. For instance, during the Watergate Scandal, the state tried to censor the press, in vain, because the journalists benefit of the freedom of speech and the right not to reveal their sources.
We must not forget that in most of the countries, there is also a form of selection of information made by the newspapers: this is called censorship. This is usually made according to a political point of view. Therefore the point of view used by the newspapers is not neutral and so they target a part of the population more than another.
Moreover, thanks to the new technologies, the printed news and TV news establish a media power at the international scale.
Indeed, they open a way to the world to link countries together and also to transmit information all over the world. In fact, information technologies allow us to be informed on what is happening in other countries, when we switch on the TV, or the radio we can get access to the news very quickly. For instance, only a few hours after the bombing of Charlie Hebdo or the third attacks in Paris this 13 of November, everyone was aware of the situation thanks to the media.
Then, Internet has the undeniable power to link people together no matter where they are. Those technologies changed our relationship and the way we communicate. Indeed, less and less cards and letters are sending. People use social media to communicate, in fact sending a message on Facebook only take a few seconds while sending a card can take several days. Internet permits us to stay in contact more easily than never.
Internet also has the power to subject people. For some people, it’s impossible to cut the connection; they are addicted by Internet and especially by the online games. For instance, geeks can spend days online without sleeping and going out, just for playing their games. But also, when we walk on the street, lots of people are watching their cell phones, so Internet cut the connection between people and make them live in another world, not the real one.
In summary, times have changed. The media hold power over us, because they rhythm our lives. Consequently, we have to be careful because we can loose control.
From my point of view, the media are a good thing, but we have to moderate our use, stay open minded and critic. And also accept the fact that there are as many negative points as there are positive ones.
Merci d'avance !
Bonjour Ambre1908,
J'ai regardé votre texte et franchement j'ai trouvé très peu d'erreurs. Il se lit très bien. Voici une version corrigée :
Power is a term that covers a multitude of issues and definitional nuances. Power is the ability to influence or control the behaviour of others. Or it is the political or social authority exercised by a government or institution. According to my understanding, the media can be included in this definition of power [permettez-moi de dire que c’est très intruite de votre part !] because mass media is consumed on such a huge scale, by people everywhere all over the world. It is a facilitating mechanism for imposing power on people. We may ask: “What are the reasons which could lead one to say that the media has such significant power in our contemporary word?” I’m going to speak about the power of the print media and TV news, and afterwards about the power of Internet. The main interest within our scope of these two forms of media is owing to the very wide audiences they attract [Que-ce est que vous voulez dire par ‘avantage’? Pour qui? Pour l’instant j’ai remplacé par ‘intérêt’].
To start with, the print news and TV news are the population’s [d'où? peut-être 'global population''s] favourite ways to access news. They are also a certified source of information, contrary to Internet where anybody can write what they like. This gives printed new and TV news a strong capital on information. In some countries, the power of the press is so strong that it even exceeds the power of the state. For instance, during the Watergate Scandal the state tried to censor the press, in vain, because journalists succeeded in exerting their freedom of speech by demonstrating their right not to reveal their sources. We must not forget that in most of countries there is also a form of selection of information made by the newspapers: this is called censorship. This is usually made according to a political point of view. [c’est parfait !] Therefore the point of view used by the newspapers is not neutral and so they target a particular part of the population whilst favouring another. Moreover, thanks to new technologies, the print news and TV news establish a media monopoly of international scale.
Indeed, they open up information exchanges, linking countries, and in the process transmitting information [how about, 'their version of events'?] all over the world. In fact, information technologies allow us to know about what is happening in other countries. When we switch on the TV, or the radio, we can get instant access to news. For instance, only a few hours after the Charlie Hebdo bombings, or after the third round of attacks in Paris last November, everyone was immediately aware of the situation thanks to the media. Furthermore, the Internet also has the undeniable power to link people together no matter where they are. These technologies have changed [puis-je suggérer ‘transformed’] our relationships and the way in which we communicate. Indeed, less and less cards and letters are being sent [il s’agit de la voix passive puisque il n’y a pas d’agent]. People now use social media to communicate. In fact, sending a message on Facebook only takes a few seconds whereas sending a card can take several days. The internet allows [attention, faux ami] us to stay in contact more easily than ever [never = jamais, ever= en tout moment jusqu’ici]. The Internet also has the power to create addictions in people. For some people, it’s impossible to cut the connection. These people are addicted to the internet and especially to online games. For instance, 'techno geeks' can spend days online without sleeping and going out - just for playing games. When we walk down the street we are guaranteed to lots of people watching their mobile phones; so there are levels of addiction. The internet can sometimes cut the connection between what is real and what is virtual for many people – leading to people inhabiting another world.
In summary, times have changed. The media holds power over us as it governs the rhythms of our lives. Consequently, we have to be careful to not loose control. From my point of view, the media is a good thing but we have to moderate our use and – vitally - stay open-minded and critical. We must also accept the fact that the media presents us with a complex swings-and-roundabouts set of factors.
C’est un texte bien réfléchi et bien écrit. J'étais très exigeante en faisant les corrections puisque je vois que votre niveau est très bon ! Au niveau du contenu, je ne pense pas que vous devriez chercher à faire aucune amélioration ! J’imagine que c’est bien suffisant pour votre niveau d’études. Franchement, vous avez très bien réussi à capturer l'intérêt de votre lectrice !
Don't hesitate to ask me if you have any more English language queries. Best of luck to you in your Bac!
J'ai corrigé votre texte:
I'm going to talk about the notion « Places and forms of power »
First I would like to give a definition of this notion
→ Power is the ability to influence people’s behaviour. In order to live together members of a community must accept rules and laws. This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions. Even when authority seems absolute, there are always contrary-powers questioning it, who aim to limit its excesses and to resist it.
→ In order, to illustrate this notion, I have chosen to talk about the power of media, focusing on the key question “Can you trust the media?” I have chosen 2 documents that I have studied in class. The first is an oral [quand un nom commence avec une voyelle on utilise ‘an’] source entitled « Show the true [vous êtes certain du nom du document ?] ». It's about an ambedded [je ne connais pas ce mot] journalist, and my second document is a three-part picture [est-ce qu’il s’agit d’un triptyque ? Si oui vous pouvez le dire].
On one hand you could put forward the view that, yes, we can trust the media. There are different types of media: tabloids, broadsheets [journaux de qualité, terme très employé au RU], and the internet. In my first document (an oral source of an embedded [?] journalist) it is possible to infer what a typical journalist’s job involves. This particular journalist travels the world. He takes photos of what he sees. He works in warzones - he is actually on the battlefields and must not remain there are part of his job. Would a man – who has witnessed the truth about war first-hand and risked his own life – lie about what he had seen?
Other the hand, there is the equally valid view that: ‘No, we cannot [on ne fait pas de contractions hors de contextes familiers] trust the media’. My second document is a picture made-up of three different parts. On the left, we can see a man, who is kneeling on the floor while a soldat pointing a gun at his forehead. On the right we can see the same prisoner is being helped by a solder who is giving him some water from the flask. These two different part form the first photo. How can the media manipulate the population’s view? [je suis pas certaine d’avoir comprise ce que vous vouliez dire. Je trouve que cette section est moins dévéloppé que la précédente].
I think the manipulation of images and information is a moral matter. In my view, these can things can be made to tell the story we wish. Therefore, I do not believe that we can trust the media.
I am going to talk about the idea of progress.
First of all, I would like to give a definition of this notion:
→ The idea of progress can be defined as improvement, a development or change.
→ It can also be defined as a technical, scientific or social advance that contributes to improvements in standards of living [j’ai supprimé ‘making the world a better place’ car c’est trés subjectif mais vous pourriez tout-à-fait employer cette expression]
In order to illustrate this notion, I have chosen to talk about women's rights and how the power of women has evolved in history with the help of 3 different documents.
The fight for women’s rights has been long and difficult [n’oubliez pas que les hommes ont aussi contribué à ce processus]. The struggle is illustrated in my first document: the film « the Suffragettes ». This film is based on a true story about women's gaining the right to vote. A character called Maud it the protagonist; in the film she fights for the right to vote. During the 20th century, women were not allowed to divorce, vote, study, or access higher education. Maud worked in launderette for 9 years. In the era when the film is set, women stayed in the shadows of men. Did many women right for the right to vote? [je sais pas si j’ai bien saisi le sens voulu, j’ai écrit ‘est-ce qu’il y a avaient beaucoup de femmes qui ont lutté pour le droit de voter ?] Some did in order to be financially independent whereas many others had to care for their children and were unable to participate in the struggle [il y avaient beaucoup qui ont fait afin d’avoir une idependence financiere et il y avaient d’autre qui n’en pouvaient puisqu’elles ont du s’occuper de leurs enfants]. In 1928 women acquired the right to vote. However, is it fair to say that women have an equal say as men in today’s world?
Throughout history women have fought for their rights and, namely, to have the same rights as men. I am interested in whether women have equal rights to men today. According my second document, an extract of the account of Malala Yousafzaï. Malala Yousafzaï is a young woman who won the Nobel Peace Prize in peace in 2014.
Malala fights for education rights for children, particularly girls, in Pakistan and the rest of the world. There are still 57million children who do receive education –mainly girls. So, today the fight is not over. Today every woman should speak her mind. Today every woman must do all that see can to forward women’s rights.
In my opinion, women’s right is a delicate issue. It is necessary to continue defending them even today! We have must take care that history is not forgotten by future generations and that they do not loose their rights as a result. The fight will never finish.
Je pense avoir trouvé toutes les fautes (il n'y en avait pas énormément, d'ailleurs). C'est un bon texte, très claire avec des examples précises. Bonne chance au bac !
ambre1908 a écritBonjour, Bonsoir, j'aurais besoin d'aide pour corriger mon texte d'anglais pour l'oral du bac, s'il-vous-plaît :)
Power is a term that covers a multitude of issues and different definitions. Power is the ability to influence, control the behavior of other people or the political or social authority exercised by a government or an institution. As for me, medias are part of this notion because mass medias are visible to anyone, anywhere and everywhere. It makes easier to impose power on people.
We can ask:
Why can we say that the media have an important power in our contemporary word?
I’m going to speak about the power of the printed news and TV news, and after about the power of Internet.
The main advantage of those two medias is that a very large part of the population has access to it.
To start with, the printed news and TV news are population’s favorites ways to learn about the news. They are also a certified source of information contrary to Internet where anybody can write what he wants. That gives to the printed and TV news a very high power over the information
In some countries, the power of the press is so strong that it even exceeds the one of the State. For instance, during the Watergate Scandal, the state tried to censor the press, in vain, because the journalists benefit of the freedom of speech and the right not to reveal their sources.
We must not forget that in most of the countries, there is also a form of selection of information made by the newspapers: this is called censorship. This is usually made according to a political point of view. Therefore the point of view used by the newspapers is not neutral and so they target a part of the population more than another.
Moreover, thanks to the new technologies, the printed news and TV news establish a media power at the international scale.
Indeed, they open a way to the world to link countries together and also to transmit information all over the world. In fact, information technologies allow us to be informed on what is happening in other countries, when we switch on the TV, or the radio we can get access to the news very quickly. For instance, only a few hours after the bombing of Charlie Hebdo or the third attacks in Paris this 13 of November, everyone was aware of the situation thanks to the media.
Then, Internet has the undeniable power to link people together no matter where they are. Those technologies changed our relationship and the way we communicate. Indeed, less and less cards and letters are sending. People use social media to communicate, in fact sending a message on Facebook only take a few seconds while sending a card can take several days. Internet permits us to stay in contact more easily than never.
Internet also has the power to subject people. For some people, it’s impossible to cut the connection; they are addicted by Internet and especially by the online games. For instance, geeks can spend days online without sleeping and going out, just for playing their games. But also, when we walk on the street, lots of people are watching their cell phones, so Internet cut the connection between people and make them live in another world, not the real one.
In summary, times have changed. The media hold power over us, because they rhythm our lives. Consequently, we have to be careful because we can loose control.
From my point of view, the media are a good thing, but we have to moderate our use, stay open minded and critic. And also accept the fact that there are as many negative points as there are positive ones.
Merci d'avance !
NB. J'aurais du écrire dans votre introduction : "It is a facilitating mechanism for the imposition of power on people."
Et au deuxième paragraphe : "Therefore, the point of view of the newspapers is not neutral: they target a particular part of the population whilst favouring another."
Comme vous pouvez probablement le voir (mais je précise de toute façon puisqu'il s'agit d'une langue étrangère), cette phrase devrais se trouver plutôt en tête du troisième paragraphe : "Thanks to new technologies, the print news and TV news establish a media monopoly of international scale."
Et je précise : "For instance, 'techno geeks' can spend days online without sleeping and going out - just playing games. When we walk down the street we are guaranteed to see lots of people looking at their mobile phones..."
Bonjour ! je dois faire mon premier dossier pour le bac en anglais renforcé sur la notion lieux et formes de pouvoir et je me demander si je pouvais avoir des avis ou correction en cas de grosses fautes a mon introduction ? merci beaucoup :)
I'm going to present the notion "Places and forms of power" and I start giving a definition of it. Power is the ability or official capacity to exercise control or authority over others , events or ressources ; to make things happen despite obstacles , resistance or opposition. It can be a person, a group, or a nation having great influence over people. Power is exercised through different relationships which can be accepted or often internalized and that's why it leads sometimes to conflicts between those who have the power and those who don’t. Then , place could be an important building or institution that represent a sort of power, for example Buckingham Palace is a symbol of the British monarchy . It can also be a country or a state , for example China which is a major economic power in today’s world. So , in this notion we are going to focus on the theme of "Art and Power" and it could be interesting to see how can we state the evolution of power and society throughtout the time thanks to the Art . Firstly we are going to see an almighty power and then , a power in decrease. To illustrate my presentation I'm going to use three different documents : a painting , a excerpt for a novel and a song.
Il me semble qu'il faut être plus clair dans le déroulement de la pensée. Une introduction donne le fils du déroulement de votre dossier . C'est l'un des points clés ,car votre correcteur commence la lecture par cela (eh oui ,c'est tout bête)l'autre clé étant la conclusion (qui ouvrira de préférence sur une problématique annexe) et ce sera pour ce même correcteur l'impression sur laquelle il finira (cela aussi est un truisme mais a une grande importance!)
Cela ne vous dédouane pas d'un dossier 'bien ficelé"! en son milieu!!
Redonner le titre "Places..."
I will start by giving a definition of the word "power".In my opinion,it is the ablity (...) Power makes things happen(....)A person(...) people represent power.
Que voulez vous dire dans la phase suivante? "which can be accepted or "often" internalized"
Evitez la contraction that's (don't est selon les correcteurs accepté)
Vous dites que la notion de pouvoir rencontre de la résistance et de l'opposition ;essayez alors d'enchaîner avec le fait qu'il y a des conflits entre ceux qui ont le pouvoir et d'autres non.
dégagez en revenant à la marge lorsque vous définissez "places "(then n'est pas approprié)
Vous avez explicité "power" ,"places " où est le "forms"?
Attention aussi au sur emploi de "can" et "could "et "for example"
Vous devez rendre un dossier sur la notion "lieux et formes de pouvoir"
Pourquoi enchainer sur "arts and power"? Si pour vous il y a un lien évident présentez le et n'esquivez pas un enchaînement "so"
qui exprimerait une continuité avec ce qui précède ,ce qui n'est pas le cas .
ex: That Sunday ,we decided to go for a ride ,so we all ran to fetch our bicycles"
Vous mettez Firstly, mettez secondly....
Votre introduction est-il le lieu pour donner des exemples (et ici deux exemples )
Soyez votre propre "critique" sur le texte en langue française .
Soyez concis . L'anglais peut-être complexe dans sa structuration: type d'exemple que vous avez sans doute rencontré : (a tall and funny blue-eyed boy) Les phrases trop longues sont souvent sources de pièges .
Je crois qu'il faut vous attacher à faire une présentation linéaire et logique de votre plan
Vous avez parlé d'un "pouvoir" qui existe malgré les obstacles ,d'un pouvoir fort . Pourquoi alors introduire l'idée d'un pouvoir déclinant?
Je vous conseille ,car le passage dans une autre langue fait écran à vos idées , de traduire en français ce que vous avez produit . Examinez le fond de votre argumentaire et demandez vous ce qui est relatif au sujet :reprenez-vous tous les termes et les mettez-vous dans un ensemble cohérent ,ou partez vous sur une autre route ?
Ce passage au français n'est qu'une béquille à court terme car il vous faut apprendre à rédiger du mieux possible directement en anglais. Je vous suggère cela simplement pour que vous vous aperceviez si vous avez été clair dans votre raisonnement .
Vous avez de bonnes idées mais il y a des enchaînements que l'on ne comprend pas. Pensez que votre correcteur aura plaisir à suivre un déroulement d'idées logiques et un travail fluide et sera moins sévère pour les erreurs possibles en anglais :)
bonjour, il faut que je fasse une synthese en anglais pour le bac,mais notre prof nous a pas dit dans quelle notion il fallait la mettre je pensais a lieux et forme de pouvoir car dans nos document on parle d'Education ,
permier doc : obama fait un discours et dit qu'il faut faire des étude pour réusir dans la vie, qu' il faut des connaissance qu'on a besoin de tous le monde pour faire avancer le pays ..
2eme doc: un programme a étais essayer qui consiste a paye les étudient en fonction de leur note se qui insiste les élevé a travail , on devais ensuite dire se qu'on a en pensais, les point positif et negatif
3eme doc: combien coûte les étude en Angleterre on a compare le canada ,les Etats-unis, l’Australie... et on a parler des dettes
4eme doc: on a compare deux image une ou un élevé défavoriser n'avais pas réusi ses étude et donc n'avais pas de travail et une autre ou une éleve avec son diplôme et etait contente et etait dans un milieu "riche"
et donc je pensais comme problématique: dans quelle mesure l'éducation peu être une clé pour le pouvoir? ou dans quelle mesure peut-on dire que les ecoles et les universités sont des instrument de pouvoir?
voila es se que vous pouvez me dire si je me trompe pas et que je peux partir sur une des deux problématique et j’arrive pas a trouve de plan
merci d'avance piur votre aide
j'ai vraiment besoin d'aide s'il vous plais
bonjour, pouvez-vous corrige mais faute et me dire si c'est bien ? merci
I'm going to discuss about the notion of place and form of power, i will talk about in this notion of higher education. Indeed , university enable people to get a high qualified job such as doctor, engineer, teacher... there fore, they are very useful for the development of our society. But , the cost of university are really expensive. Up to what point can one say that the universities are instruments of beiong able ? First, i'm going to talk about the tuition fees and after the disagreement between people about that
Premièrement, les frais de scolarité dansl'université aux Etats-Unis et au Royaume-Unisont vraiment hauts, ainsi tout le monde ne peut pas allant à l'université.
Firstly , the tuiton fees in college in united states and in united kingdom are really high , so everybody can't going to university
Then, in the extract of Obama's speech in sept 2009,Obama says that higher education has never been more important .and that we need for knowledge and for compensates of all the world to solve the most difficult problem . But the cost of the university and very expensive and there is that the rich population has to be able to access
to go the university people has to try to find solution to pay the university. Either it takes close has the bank and when it starts their job are involves in debt and spends several year hascountry the debt.If not it finds small work dimensioned and its tiredness because it are to occupies for rthe study because it owes work. The relative puts money of with dimensions birth of the child has fine to offer a good university to him.
People want to go has the university because they will be a suitable life, they will be able to carry out a happier life and to have better chance to have a good job well country . Thus, it os thus very hard to go has the university for munch of anybody
secondly, in a cartoon seen in class calls » a tale of two britains by schrank publiched in the independent »of a dimension we can see a girl who jumps of joy. It passed its examination and have . And other a boy sucks dropped located in aunderprivileged sector. The message if this cartoon is that sucked is for the high rich person and the failure for the underprivileged pupil.this cartoon watch the injustice of a system in which the means of money leaves any equal opportunity. And that as the university are expensive very little of high underprivilged gi in such a university. Therefore more you have money you could go in good seeing very good university
Then in a document called « radio report student protest » we student can see much of student xho protest against the rise in the school fees of university . The scene takes place in the street of londre . According to them the cost of education is too expensive. Higher education is not accessible has all people can not always pay.
Thus we can see that the university is intruments of the power because study them protest much, study them are really justifies. For the student, the university represents many being able. And it are a personal satisfaction when it go in university
to conclude degree is a instruments of power because it's really important for the life, to have good job, a better live .however, have a degree it's really hard because you need to have a lot of money. According to me tuition fees can't be the same for all people and i think the acces to universities have to be the same for everybody
Je viens de finir de préparer la notion "Lieux et forme de pouvoir" en anglais à partir de couvertures de magazines sur l'élection de Trump et j'ai juste besoin qu'on me corrige afin de savoir ce qu'il y a à modifier etc, ce n'est pas très long ça fait une page et demi.
Je mets donc ça là en espérant avoir une réponse avant mardi (je suis interrogée oralement) :/
Merci beaucoup à ceux qui prendront le temps de m'aider! :D
Introduction :
I’m going to talk about the notion of seats and power. First of all I would like to give a definition of power. Power is the ability to control others, or resources ; the ability to make things happen despite obstacles, resistance, or opposition. This of course leads to conflict between those who have power and those who don’t. Power can be political, economical, military, cultural… Now would like to give a definition of seats. «places» could be important buildings or institutions that represent a certain form of power (immediately recognizable). For Example Buckingham Palace – a symbol of the British monarchy, the White House – a symbol of America presidency.
A place can also be a country or state – for example the USA is a state which is powerful enough to influence events throughout the world (superpower) and China is a major economic power in today’s world.
In order to illustrate the notion, I have chosen two documents which are the covers of the « Daily News » and « the New York Post » the day after the election of President Trump in America. Let me explain why I have chosen this documents: They show the power of the press and also of the president in America. In what extent medias have power in America?
I) American medias have the power to speak their mind
Medias spread information which is the reflection of the public opinion and his affirmation. The two magazines here show two different points of view about Trump’s election. On one hand the “Daily News” shows a negative opinion, we can guess that it’s a democratic press. The headline is “House of horrors” written on a photo of the White House and we can see the American flag returned. Actually, it’s an edition “special election”. In order to illustrate the title, there are three subtitles. The first one is a pun “Divided States of America”, the second tell us that this election is the beginning of a “national nightmare” and in the third there are terms like “crowns” or “King” to show that Trump isn’t a president but just wants to became the King and to have power. These ideas are totally opposed with the “New York Post”s ideas.
The cover of the “New York Post” shows president Trump smiling and making a sign with his right hand. The headline tells “They said it couldn’t happen/President TRUMP”, thanks to this headline we guess that the “New York Post” is a Republican press, they want to support Trump. Anyway, this cover let us think that Trump’s election is a good thing and that it’s a new hope. It shows that nobody thought that he could make it and he proved all them wrong.
To conclude, we can say that American medias got the power to tell their impressions through all the entire America. So, medias got an important role and they are very powerful.
II) American medias can influence the public opinion
Because they can tell their minds in all the country, the American medias can also influence people. Maybe some Americans voted for Trump and when they saw the cover of the “Daily News” they realized that they mad an error and that Trump wasn’t the good choice. Maybe in contrary some people though that this election was a nightmare and when they saw the cover of the “New York Post” with Trump smiling and the message of hope, they realized that he wasn’t a bad man and that his election maybe wasn’t a bad thing.
Actually, medias can influence people’s mind and it’s proved since the beginning of the press. During all the different conflicts like the Second World War, press was used as a propagandist thing and told some false information to the societies.
Medias in America have power, bad and good. One of the bad power of the press is the power of manipulation of the societies.
Medias in America and also in others countries have power. First because they can tell what they think and so tell what the society think. They can influence people. There is a precise example, which show the power of the medias: the Dreyfus Affair in France. Dreyfus was a French Jewish officer accused of collaboration with German. Some presses told bad things about him but in the newspaper “L’Aurore”, an open letter was published, written by Emile Zola who defends and who proves Dreyfus’s innocence. So when people have rode this letter a lot who though that he was really a criminal changed their minds.
Est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait me corriger svp?
Je corrige votre copie dans ces grandes lignes car je n'ai pas beaucoup de temps s'il faut rendre ce devoir demain
Vous êtes dans Places and Forms of Power pas seat qui est trop identifié à un siège.
-Votre introduction vient d'un site sur internet (!) et comporte des erreurs et est entendu over and over again par les professeurs: chercher quelque chose de moins bateau
J'éviterais de parler de Buckingham qui est donc trop "reconnaissable" par un prof mais allez droit au ut : Power can be symbolized by a place ,for instance The White House which represents the ultimate place of power in The United States of America . As you know it is where the President lives and works: Major decisions are taken in the oval office.
Attention : ne pas dire que the USA is a state !! No it is a COUNTRY of fifty states.
I have chosen......covers of two tabloïds (des journaux au format precis , cette notion de tabloïds faisant aussi référence au fait que ces journaux comportent des photos et soient destiné à faire vendre ) Donc pas magazines mais newspapers (ou tabloïds)
nommer tout de suite les journaux : . They came out after the election of Donald Trump as the next President of The United States . Bannissez "America" pour désigner les Etats Unis même si cela est courant car America est un continent .Vous gardez American par contre.
Jamais de 's' à media (ce qui respecte ainsi le pluriel latin)
La première partie mérite plus de clarté: il est un fait notoire que les médias américains sont puissants car ils ont débusqué l'affaire du Watergate qui a entraîner la destitution du President Nixon: aller jeter un œil sur cette affaire
1; The American Media are powerful in the U.S.A
They have had a strong reputation since the Watergate events which led to the impeachment of Richard Nixon. Inutile de dire qu'ils reprennent les propos de l'opinion publique: NON! ils ORIENTENT l'opinion publique.
The first newspaper I have chosen is The Daily News (full title : the New York Daily News): It Is based in New York City and was founded in 1919.It is considered centrist (sometimes leftist) and populist. It has endorsed(soutenu la candidature) both democrat and republican candidtes(dernièrement a soutenu Clinton) .
The Daily news shows a negative image of Donald Trump: therefore(...)the second subtitle expresses the idea that the election (...) In the third subtitle ,we can see the words "k" and "c" :this suggests the readers that Trumps wants to be more than a president . He stands (fait figure) more like a King who has total control over the country.
The New York Post was founded in 1901. It is also in tabloid format .It is conservative and populist.Ne dites pas qu'ils sont soit democrates ou républicains mais plutôt conservateurs ou centristes.
....le reste ok à la fin trump prove them wrong (not all car il y avait des journaux et des sondages ,très peu, mais qui existaient qui avaient prédit sa victoire.)
So we can underline that both papers have a freedom of expression and are a true form of power.
2. American can ...
As we have seen these papers can freely express their ideas , so they can influence their readers. Some Americans may have voted For Donald Trump and when they saw the cover(...) they realized that they had made a mistake and that they hadn't made the right choice (....)thoughT.....
Actually THE press was used as a propagandist (sûre de ce mot?) TOOL and gave false information to the people of the countries at war. For example, Hiltler used the press and posters to show the Jews as greedy , mean (méchant, auvais) peple who were recognizable because they had a big nose (of course in that case the media was not free at all).
Media in the United states and in other countries have a true power: fredom of speech and so the power to convince. This is not always the case : As we can see in Turkey today, the press is being opressed because Ordegan , the new leader wants to impose his ideas.It shows a failure of democracy and the path to a dictatorship...
In France there is a famous example : l'affaire Dreyfus (Dreyfus Case) Dreyfus, a French soldier was unfairly accused of treason (mainly because people were against Jews)A famous writer stood up for his liberation in the newspaper l'Aurore and wrote a vivid defense ,titled by Clémenceau himself "J'accuse".(donner la date..)It helped people change their minds and reopen the file (dossier) and led to the innocence of Dreyfus.
Bon j'attaque mes copies
Bonne chance . parlez fort et lentement . Les étudiants vont toujours trop vite et sont inaudibles. Regardez vos interlocuteurs , puis votre feuille et surtout marquez des pauses
Vous pouvez écrire votre plan au tableau (pour conclusion: on dit : as a conclusion....) :)