Bonjour à toutes et à tous, je suis actuellement en train de finir de rédiger mes dossiers pour mon oral de littérature anglaise, j'ai choisi la notion rencontre avec l'autre, amour et amitié. En classe nous avons étudiés un extraits de The adventures of Huckleberry Finn, qui rend compte de la rencontre de Huck et Jim et qui traite des différences qu'il peut y avoir selon la région du monde où l'on vit (langage, coutumes etc...).
Le second texte étudié en classe est un poème élégiaque : Funeral Blues de W.H.Auden.
J'aimerais prendre, en document personnel le sonnet 18 de Shakespeare.
Mais je n'arrive absolument pas à trouver une problèmatique en relation avec les trois documents.
En sachant que j'ai déjà du mal à faire un lien avec mes deux documents imposés.
Je m'adresse donc à vous en espérant de l'aide ou des conseils.
PS: Je pourrais éventuellement changer de document personnel, mon choix n'est pas encore définitif.
Bonne Journée.
Salut! Je ne connais pas les textes que tu as mis mais ma problématique est: "how two persons everything oppose can be involved in a close relationship?" Regarde si tu peux l'utiliser ^^ ton premier document m'intéresse fortement et je voulais savoir s'il était possible que tu m'indique où trouver l'extrait que tu as étudié ^^ merci d'avance et bon courage pour tes dossier :)
Je suis en terminale littéraire est ce que tu pourrais me communiquer le passage que vous avez étudié sur " the d'aventures of Huckleberry Finn" svp
Missamandine a posté son message voici bientôt deux ans et n'en a pas posté d'autres...
Je doute qu'elle te réponde.
ouiiii je sais .. mais l'espoir fait vivre
Bonjour j'ai un bac à passé à la fin de l'année donc merci de ne pas supprimer mon sujet !!! , on m'a donné un thème qui est "meeting each other love and friendship" et la problèmatique donnée est "how is grief expressed in literature" je ne trouve pas d'idée. les seules idées que j'ai trouvé c'est :
que la blessure est exprimé par metaphore par images certaines fois, par les sentiments , de façon caché sublinatoire qu'elques fois, voir en hommage.et encore je ne sais même pas si c'est bon
Donc je vous pris de m'aider
Il est inutile de poster plusieurs fois le même message.
Un autre modérateur ou le webmestre aura sans doute supprimé les messages en double.
C'est ce qui est toujours fait sur ce forum.
oral de littérature anglaise
Peut-être connais-tu le film 4 mariages et 1 enterrement: Four weddings and a funeral
Je te conseille de le visionner(je pense qu'il est disponible sur you-tube) car il est touchant et très connu . L'enterrement en question est "avant-gardiste" . Donc on a ici le thème de l'amour et de la peine .
Un homosexuel enterre son compagnon et il "dit" un poème magnifique de W.H Auden Stop All The Clocks
W. H. Auden
Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.
Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead,
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.
He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong.
The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood.
For nothing now can ever come to any good.
tu me dis ce que tu en penses et ce que tu "as déjà sous la main" et on en reparle, OK?
Bonjour, je suis élève en terminal L et mes oraux commenceront dans 4 jours et je n'ai toujours pas fini de rédiger ma notion. Mon problème c que j'arrive pas à trouver de plan ni de problématique qui tienne la route afin de pouvoir rédiger le reste. Merci d'avance pour votre aide.
I am going to present you, the notion The meeting of the other, love and friendship. I would like to give a definition of this notion: - Friendship is when two people who have the same centers of interest in life, the same tastes meet and become closer. Therefore it is different from love when two people are attracted one another and want to live together.
We will illustrate this notion through three texts. The first text is a poem entitled « ô captain my captain » by Walt Whitman who is adress to Abraham Lincoln. Then the second text is an extract of the play « As you like it » written by William Shakespeare. and the last text is taken from the novel « of mice and men » by john Steinbeck.
how is the audience included in these three texts through their meeting?
a literary movement which consisted is focusing on all the typically human skills that went beyond trancended human reason such as inspiration. The transcendentalist believed that humans were initially good and that institutions corrupted them. They thought humans were at their best when they were independent and self-reliant.
-« ô captain my captain », in an elegy written in 1865 by Walt Whitman. During this year, there was the abolition of slavery by Abraham Lincoln. A few days later, he was assassinated. However, his assassination did not prevent the victory of the union against the confederation.
the poem opens with an extended metaphor: The captain is President Lincoln who are the country and managed to obtain the victory of the union which is referred to as the « prize » (l.2),. Therefore, we can deduce that the USA is composed to « the ship » (l.2). « The fearful trip » (L.1) is the Civil War that the country went through.
The poet is in denial of Lincoln »s death because he is very affected by this loss. The apostrophe « ô captain my captain »rise up … » prove it.
The repetitive figures of speech echo the poet nostalgia, his longing for the past the time when the president was alive. First there is the anaphora « For you , but also alliteration in « for you the flag is flung ».
Although there are rhymes in the text, the rhymes scheme id not always regular. Sometime, there are some random couple of sound’s such as lines 13 and is ( Here! Captain! Darer father!/It is some dream that on the deck ») The rhymes echo the nostalgia the poet feels whereas the random couple of sounds reflect the unexpected events of life such as the assassination of the president.
-The stanzas are written in the shape of a ship/ressel there flore, the form and the content/message of the poem match.
-« Walt Whitman wrote a poem « ô captain my captain » in 1865 for pay hommage to Abraham Lincoln who abate the slavery. In this poem, we can distinguish many parla between: « The captain » who is president Abraham Lincoln. The boat that (with) represent the USA. We can see a repetition of the word « captain » on of the sentence « fallen cold and dead.
They have repetition of rhymes but not a all.
It is a dialogue between ganymede (who is Rosalind) and Orlando. Orlando don’t know that ganymede is Rosalind said her to Orlando that she says when a man is in love.
He ask her. Rosalind says to him that he had nothing of the caractestion of a man who is in love. Orlando saids that he loves a girl who is Rosalind.
In this dialogue , Rosalind is Ganymede. Ganymed speaks to Orlando but Orlando don’t says that Ganymede is in real Rosalind. Orlando is in love in Rosalind.
He says to Ganymede that he is sick (of love to Rosalind), the demande to Ganymede if he can cured him. Ganymede says that him if he takes him for Rosalind he must to woo him. So he must to woo Rosalind.
This extract from the novel of mice and men by John Steinbeck (published in 1937) is entitled « a mesmerizing_bond_guys like us ». The scenes takes place in California, probably during the great depression, rights after the dust bowl. The characters of the story lost their land after the dust bowl they are now two migrants in California going through some hardships=they are living outside in the wild « i could go off in the hills there. Someplace i’d find a case » (l.6) and they don’t eat well since George « drive his knife through the top of one of the bean cans » (l.60).
MERCI encore d'avance pour votre aide
Essaie de griffonner quelque chose que tu nous balances ensuite, là on pourrait mieux t'aider.
Je suis en PANIQUE!!!!
Voilà je suis élève en Terminale L et mes oraux commenceront dans 4 jours et je n'ai toujours pas fini de rédiger ma notion. Mon problème est que je n'arrive pas à trouver de plan ni de problématique qui tienne la route afin de pouvoir rédiger le reste.Est-ce que vous pourriez me donner des piste afin que puisse trouver mon plan.
Merci d'avance pour votre aide.
I am going to present you, the notion The meeting of the other, love and friendship. I would like to give a definition of this notion: - Friendship is when two people who have the same centers of interest in life, the same tastes meet and become closer. Therefore it is different from love when two people are attracted one another and want to live together.
We will illustrate this notion through three texts. The first text is a poem entitled « ô captain my captain » by Walt Whitman who is adress to Abraham Lincoln. Then the second text is an extract of the play « As you like it » written by William Shakespeare. and the last text is taken from the novel « of mice and men » by john Steinbeck.
how is the audience included in these three texts through their meeting?
a literary movement which consisted is focusing on all the typically human skills that went beyond trancended human reason such as inspiration. The transcendentalist believed that humans were initially good and that institutions corrupted them. They thought humans were at their best when they were independent and self-reliant.
-« ô captain my captain », in an elegy written in 1865 by Walt Whitman. During this year, there was the abolition of slavery by Abraham Lincoln. A few days later, he was assassinated. However, his assassination did not prevent the victory of the union against the confederation.
the poem opens with an extended metaphor: The captain is President Lincoln who are the country and managed to obtain the victory of the union which is referred to as the « prize » (l.2),. Therefore, we can deduce that the USA is composed to « the ship » (l.2). « The fearful trip » (L.1) is the Civil War that the country went through.
The poet is in denial of Lincoln »s death because he is very affected by this loss. The apostrophe « ô captain my captain »rise up … » prove it.
The repetitive figures of speech echo the poet nostalgia, his longing for the past the time when the president was alive. First there is the anaphora « For you , but also alliteration in « for you the flag is flung ».
Although there are rhymes in the text, the rhymes scheme id not always regular. Sometime, there are some random couple of sound’s such as lines 13 and is ( Here! Captain! Darer father!/It is some dream that on the deck ») The rhymes echo the nostalgia the poet feels whereas the random couple of sounds reflect the unexpected events of life such as the assassination of the president.
-The stanzas are written in the shape of a ship/ressel there flore, the form and the content/message of the poem match.
-« Walt Whitman wrote a poem « ô captain my captain » in 1865 for pay hommage to Abraham Lincoln who abate the slavery. In this poem, we can distinguish many parla between: « The captain » who is president Abraham Lincoln. The boat that (with) represent the USA. We can see a repetition of the word « captain » on of the sentence « fallen cold and dead.
They have repetition of rhymes but not a all.
It is a dialogue between ganymede (who is Rosalind) and Orlando. Orlando don’t know that ganymede is Rosalind said her to Orlando that she says when a man is in love.
He ask her. Rosalind says to him that he had nothing of the caractestion of a man who is in love. Orlando saids that he loves a girl who is Rosalind.
In this dialogue , Rosalind is Ganymede. Ganymed speaks to Orlando but Orlando don’t says that Ganymede is in real Rosalind. Orlando is in love in Rosalind.
He says to Ganymede that he is sick (of love to Rosalind), the demande to Ganymede if he can cured him. Ganymede says that him if he takes him for Rosalind he must to woo him. So he must to woo Rosalind.
This extract from the novel of mice and men by John Steinbeck (published in 1937) is entitled « a mesmerizing_bond_guys like us ». The scenes takes place in California, probably during the great depression, rights after the dust bowl. The characters of the story lost their land after the dust bowl they are now two migrants in California going through some hardships=they are living outside in the wild « i could go off in the hills there. Someplace i’d find a case » (l.6) and they don’t eat well since George « drive his knife through the top of one of the bean cans » (l.60).
MERCI encore d'avance pour votre aide
Hassna 31
Pour la Lele ,tu traites une thématique et non une notion
Tu dois te demander dans quelle mesure la thématique choisie est illustrée dans le choix de tes œuvres . La problématique que tu avances "how is the audience included in these three texts through their metting" : comment le public est-il inclus dans ces trois textes par "leur"(??) rencontre :désolée mais je ne comprends pas où tu veux en venir et surtout tu ne réponds pas à cette problématique.
I have chosen the theme :meeting the other,love and friendship. We shall see how these notions are stressed in (et là tu dis quelles œuvres tu choisis)
In.......(œuvre) we can see that friendship/love is difficult to reach (ou is obvious) etc...
Ta première proposition sur Walt Whitman est un "exposé" un peu rapide du courant auquel appartenait Whitman (et Thoreau) et ne correspond pas au thème choisi . Il faudrait mettre en exergue l'attachement des sailors pour leur capitaine (friendship and admiration-they grieve his lost) Ne pas mettre tous ces à côtés sur Lincoln mais dire seulement que ce "Captain" est Lincoln (inutile de rappeler qui il est ou très brièvement : Lincoln who abolished slavery and was murdered just after he succeeded)
Tu reprends trop le style et tu ne parle pas assez du fond .Et c'est trop long.
Tu as cinq minutes pour trois textes : tu enchaines donc les textes sans chercher de complications
Je trouve que ce poème de Whitman montre la tristesse ,la perte d'un grand homme et pas l'amitié et l'amour.
Pour ton choix numéro deux :tu racontes l'histoire mais tu ne dégages aucun procédé stylistique ...On n 'a même pas le mot "play" (pièce de théâtre) comédie ou tragédie ..etc...
Des erreurs :des mots qui n'existent pas : "caractestion" de même que pour Walt Whitman "we can distinguish many parla " De plus les "s" qui manquent après les troisièmes personnes au singulier , les auxiliaires "he must to woo Rosalind" (!): he must woo Rosalind
Encore une fois dans les textes 2 et dans le 3 tu parles de l'intrigue mais tu ne REPONDS PAS au sujet : quel genre d'amitié ou d'amour est mis en œuvre?
Tu fais fausse route ,hélas: essaie de regarder les sujets qui ont déjà été traités (et corrigés ) sur ce site, cela va t'aider.
Ne panique pas : reprends tes textes (ou d'autres) et réponds à la question simple: comment ces textes mettent-ils en valeur le thème de l'amour ou de l'amitié (et pas de résumés , OK ?)
TRES IMPORTANT : présente de même des textes atour de la thématique the I and the eye en présentant tes œuvres les unes après les autres (pas de overlapping) J'avais dit que je corrigerai tes fautes mais que tu devais abréger et réorganiser tes textes (et pas de réponse.....) :/
Encore une fois il est inutile de mettre deux fois le même sujet : vas voir ce que je viens de te répondre : reprends calmement tes deux THEMATIQUES .