Bonjour à tous, je suis en Terminale et je commence à préparer les dossiers de langue. L'expression orale aura lieu en mai donc je profite de tout ce temps pour faire de mon maximun. Je prépare actuellement un dossier 'Idea of progress", et j'aimerais tous les conseils possibles, et aussi je veux vraiment que vous me dites les problèmes. Donc si un professeur d'anglais de préférence qui sait l'épreuve je serai ravi.
Voila ce que j'ai, seulement l'introduction et la première partie car je n'ai pas envie de m'aventurer dans quelque chose de mauvais.
The notion I’m going to deal with is the idea of progress. To begin with, I’d like to give a definition of the idea of progress
=> The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change – a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place.
To put the notion into prespective, we’re going to have a look the evolution of the technical progress.
and attempt to answer the question : Is progress always a progress ?
To answer this question I will present 4 documents
On the one hand, I think that progress is essential to evolve. History is made of progress and evolution that have allowed the world to be what it’s today. Indeed, man as always wanted to fly like bird. Thanks to advances in techical progress, human can defy gravity
For example on the document “Man’s age-old dream of flying”. The document deals with about the dream of flying. At the beginning, there was Icarus, a greek myth, who he flew but he fell into the sea. In the late 15 th century, Leonardo da Vinci begun to draw a flying machine, but it’s five hundred years later on July 25, that Blériot became the first man to cross the English Channel in 30 minuts in an airplane, the dream of Icarus. Progress progress again because in 1960, Josseph Kittinger’s skydrived from the edge of space from an altitude of 31 km within seconds. Incredible for a human. It proves that progress always continue to progress.
Robotics, science, technology allow progress. Wonderful inventions are due to advances such as the developpement of robots like said Isaac Asimov about the document “WHATIF ROBOTS COULD”. He approves of the utility of robots if they are controled. To him, a robot may not injure a human, must obey the orders, and must protect. He warns us against the danger if we don’t control the Robots, because he said that Robots can replace us, and became more intelligent than human.
Voilà, je voudrais savoir si ce que j'ai fait est bon, si j'argumente bien ou pas assez, si c'est trop long.... Tous vos conseils, merci beaucoup.
Bonjour :)
Je suis en terminale L option anglais renforcé et je prépare actuellement mes deux dossiers pour l'oral.
Malgré plusieurs entraînements effectués dans l'année avec les profs, je suis en train de reprendre mes dossiers à zéro et je passe beaucoup de temps à choisir les notions, problématiques et documents pour proposer quelque chose de convenable.
J'aimerais travailler sur la notion de progrès mais j'hésite beaucoup...je pensais peut-être choisir le thème des jeux olympiques avec comme problématique : "Has the Olympic ideal of fair play and tolerance been now replaced by money, drugs and politics?" mais je me demande si on peut caser ça dans le "progrès".. de plus j'ai peur que ce soit assez banal et simple pour une élève en anglais LVA... On a fait plusieurs documents en classe (d'anglais "normal") sur ce sujet (un qui présente les aspects positifs, un autre avec un avis assez mitigé) et je dois donc prendre un doc perso.
Sinon, assez récemment pour le bac blanc j'ai fait un oral sur l'obsession de la jeunesse et de la beauté (pbmt : I'm going to deal with the obsession of youth and beauty; in what extent is it translated?) avec des docs qu'on a vus en LVA, avec la chirurgie esthétique par ex..
Mais je suis encore en période de vacances donc je n'ai pas le compte rendu, ni la note que la prof m'a donnée.
Je pensais peut-être faire un dossier sur le progrès en parlant de ça et un autre dossier "espaces et échanges" avec les jeux olympiques, du coup en modifiant la problématique que j'ai proposée en début de post...
C'est pourquoi je vous demande conseil!
Merci beaucoup de m'avoir lue et de bien vouloir essayer de m'aider.. :)
Bonjour à tous :)
Je suis élève en terminale L j'ai préparé mes oraux d'anglais sauf que la prof n'est pas très investi c'est-à-dire qu'elle met 1 mois à corrigé un oral, elle ne regarde jamais ses mails le week-end et pdt les vacances et rarement la semaine de cours ce qui me met en difficulté.
Pourriez-vous lire mon oral et me corriger svp? :)
Merci d'avance :)
The idea of progress can be define as an improvement, a develoment or a change technical, scientific, or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place.
What does the evolution of gender equality look like in the XXth century ?
To illustrate this notion, I have chosen three documents.
The first document I have chosen is a web article about about The women’s suffrage movement.
Before the XXth century, women were absolutely submissive (=soumettre)to men. A woman never was adult : she was the property of her father then her husband. They couldn’t work without the autorisation of their hubsband,they couldn’t vote, it was complusory to wear dress or skirt… But from 1903 and first in England, women advocated (=revendiquer) the equality between men and women. That year Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughters founded an organization called Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU) which claimed (=revendiquer)the right to vote. They were called by a journalist « Suffragettes ».
The evolution isn’t a spontaneous fact. Women provoked it, they campaigned for : they did many demonstrations, marches, and riots. They used violence, for example :they orchestrated window-smashing (=fracasserles vitrines) and arson attacks (incendies volontaires).
The second document I have chosen is Freedom from want (1943) by Norman Rockwell.
N. R.made this painting in 1943 for the newspaper The Saturday Evening Post.We can see in the middle of the picture an old woman with an apron(=tablier) is serving a turkey. She might be the grandmother of the family, and the man standing next to her might be her husband, the adults may be their children and the children may be the grand children.
It’s the traditional view of the family during the 2nd W. W., the woman is a housewife : she cooked, she took care of children, shed did chores… Whereas the husband worked to bring money home.
The third document is a New yorker cover (2003)
This New Yorker cover was published 60 years after N. R.’s illustration : in 2003. In the foreground, we can see 5 men and 3 boys cooking in the kitchen, while, in the background, 4 women and 2 girls are watching TV in the living room.
This drawing refers to Freedom from want because the men prepared exactly the same meal as in N. R.’s painting (a turkey, soup, fruits andvegetables…). But now, the roles are absolutly reversed : men are wearing
aprons to cook and women don’t do anything.
It’s a representation a bit caricatural, because in reality men and women share the housework but it shows the evolution from the 1940’s.Women comes closer to gender equality.
The fourth document is a Gender equality (cartoon for a campaign).
This document is a short cartoon made for a campaign to struggle(=combattre) against gender inequalities. The scene takes place in a circus, 2clowns, a man and a woman are doing a performance on unicycles. At the end of the show, the manager offers two bouquets of flowers to each artit, however the woman’s bouquet is smaller than the man’s one. The woman feels upset ans the manager becomes aware of it. So the next show, he offers artits same-size bouquets.
The woman is happy because she feels recognized to her real value.
To conclude the first document has for link with the notion because In 1918, the government rewarded (=récompenser) the war effort made by women in according the right to vote for women if they were over the age of 30. They voted for the first time the same year. In 1928, all women over the age of 21 can vote, as men.
The second document has for link with the notion because there was inequality in the role distributed between men and women, because women couldn’t live without their husband, they were dependent on them. But we will see with the next document that this situation has improved.
The third document has for link with the notion because it’s a representation a bit caricatural, because in reality men and women share the housework but it shows the evolution from the 1940’s.Women comes closer to gender equality.
The fourth document has for link with the notion because it’s a big evolution that governments (Europe) claimed the equality between men and women. Now, when a woman is victim of inequality because of her sex, the law is with her and men are able to recognize when they are unfair.
Bonjour, la semaine prochaine je passe mon oral d'anglais, est ce que vous pouvez corriger mon devoir s'il vous plaît, ce serait très gentil de votre part... Je vous remercie dès maintenant ...
I am going talk about the idea of progress. First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion. So the idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change – a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place.
In class we studied documents about the idea of progress and in particular about the scientific progress.In order to illustrate this notion I have chosen to talk about the scientific, technological and social progress and attempt to answer the question Do the advances improve always our life and do they always have a positive effect ? To answer this question I will present one document and give some exemples of my own research.
Firstly we can observe lots of scientific progress like the medical advances with cures for illnesses such as AIDS and certain cancers but also the prosthetics, for exemple in class we studied a video about a testimony of a young boy. In fact, this young boy was born whithout arm and he use a bionic arm and he explained that he is happy, this video shows us two things. On the one hand it shows us the scientific progress and on the other hand it shows that this progress make us happy because it finds solutions at our problemes, at our needs. The others scientific progress that we can mention are the cloning, the performance enhancing drugs, the genetically modified organisms and the space travel.
Technological progress can be also observed like the advances in global communications networks who facilitating the exchange of information or the production of robots and automated production and especially internet who allows us to have access to a lot informations.
Like the scientific and technological progress the social progress have also evoluate and in particular the women's rights, for instance the obtaining the vote for women in1918, the fight for equality and the equal pay in 1976.
In conclusion we can say that the pogress improve certainly our life because they answer at our needs and faciliting our life. However, we can't say that all progress have positives effects and that is visible by the technological progress who have negatives effects like internet, and we can answer ourselves the question ''Have we become to dependent on technology, is it isolation us from one another ?
salut :)
je suis Terminal Litteraire et j'ai un probleme , je n'arrive pas a trouver un document personnel . En classepour la notion "Idea of progress " on a etudier la "Family Structure" et les documents etudies en classe que j'ai choisit sont les suivant:
- Freedom from Want de Norman Rockwell
- Nuclear American Family in the 1950-60's
la problematique: how does the evolution of society influences family structures?
Aidez moi pour le document personnel svp!! :)
Bonjour !
Je suis en Terminale S et je passe mes oraux d'anglais début mai. J'aimerai de l'aide pour corriger mon texte.
Merci beaucoup d'avance pour votre aide !
The idea of progress
The idea of progress implies the idea of well-being and the improvement of men's life. It is present in different sectors such as medicine, technology or science. During our century, numerous innovations have appeared, especially in science. Indeed, science makes progress every day and new healing methods are created. Among scientist progress, there are PGD and the surrogacy which use genes to cure people or to create babies. We will answer the question : ''To what extent will genetics progress change our life ?''. First, I will talk about PGD and then, I will present the surrogacy.
Firstly, I will talk about PGD. PGD, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, allows to avoid having a sick baby with the study of genes. It also allows to cure a person who is sick. To do that, doctors pick out an embryo which could cure the patient and then, the cord blood cells are transplanted into his bone marrow. That is why Anna, in the movie ''My sister's keeper'', was created. Since she was young, his body has been a reserve to her sister who has a leukemia. So, she doesn't have the control of her body. Furthermore, as we can reed in the text ''Design your baby'', PGD could be dangerous. Indeed, it could become a way of making a designer baby. Parents could choose the color of their baby's eyes, his skin, or his intelligence. So, we could create perfects babies.
So, PGD is a great progress because it allows to cure or to save people, but it could be dangerous if people abuse its utility.
Secondly, I will present the surrogacy. The surrogacy is (a subject of many debates). In a recording, we can listen that some people are for the surrogacy because it allows to have a baby when a parent is infertile, or when a couple is homosexual or when a woman who has no husband wants a baby. But, some people are against because many children in the world are waiting to be adopted. Moreover, they think it's a way to exploit povrety because, in general, women become surrogate mothers because they don't have any job and they are poor. This is the case of Sarita in the text ''A booming business''. Sarita lives in India. Her husband gets a paltry. She wanted to have more money so she became a surrogate. But, she was confronted to a problem : here country considers his act as an infidelity so she could become ostracized, rejected from society.
So, the surrogacy is a useful progress because it allows to give a baby to people who can't have one. However, the surrogate's life can be difficult if she isn't accepted by her family or by the society.
To conclude, genetics progress can change our life in two ways. They can be beneficial because they can cure people or enlarge families by giving them a child. But, it threatens the natural course of life and the integration of surrogate women. Therefore, it must be used with responsability.
bonjour, je passer bientôt mon oral d'anglais et j'aurais aimé que quelqu'un me corrige mes fautes :)
voici ma notion sur idée et progres
I am going to talk about the notion of the idea of progress. The progress allows the development of the society and the mentality. We shall study the progress of the women in the society. We can thus ask for it: to what extent the place of the women in the society evolved since 20 th century in today?At first, we will see during the 20th century : a fight over time ,then that during the 21th century : remaing barriers. (What does the evolution of gender equality look like in the XXth century ?)
Before the XXth century, women were submissive to men. Woman was generally a housewife which have to take care child and of the house. They couldn’t work without the autorisation of their husband, they couldn’t vote. But from 1903 and first in England, women claim the equality between men and women. As for example « suffragette » which it beat for the voting right of the women.
The evolution isn’t a spontaneous fact. Women provoked it, they did many demonstrations to the parliament to protect against unfain laws and inequalites ; they asked for the right to vote. They used violence, for example :they orchestrated window-smashing and arson attacks .She does not hesitate to throw herself under the horse of king for that the people remark. Grace has their fight the british women managed to have the voting right in 1918, from 30 years. The equality was established ten years later when the women were authorized to vote from 21 years in 1928.
(the sixties and the seventies: women's liberation movement. They wanted to put and end to men supremacy and sexism: women claimed equal pay ans equal opportunities. they demanded the right of abortion. they didn't want to be housewives.)
At 21 century, he stay disparity, as in the political area where women are still under represented in politics. Women still fights for them rights but also for respect. It is the case of Malala which is a young Pakistani which became the symbol of the fight for the education of the girls, key of the feminine emancipation in its country where his actions were worth him becoming the target of the Talibans, but also all around the world. But we saw a document that in india men don't want daughters and abandon them at the birth. women can't decide to keep their baby girl, some are even forced to abort because there pregnant with a girl. Because the girls are considered as a financial burden : the wedding expenses which are very eleve and to pay by the family of the young woman.
The fight of the women evolves over time and progress small a small during the 20th century grace in particular has person but during the 21th century he still stays disparity between the human and the continuous fight.
Voici ma dernière notion d'anglais: est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait me corriger s'il vous plait?
In the old America, Black people or African Americans , were victims of slavery, racial discrimination, racial segregation.. They were treated as inferiors by most of the White people. But I think that fortunately that the mind have changed thanks also to people like Martin Luther King. He was an activist in the United-States, for the black civil right, for peace and against poverty. One day in 1963, during the March on Washington D.C and in front of the Lincoln Memorial, Martin Luther King said "I have a dream". It's his most famous speech. His speech gave hope and strength to African Americans. Since this speech, "A lot of progress has been made in society") For instance, concerning policy, Barack Obama is the president of the United-States since 2008 and he's black. Moreover he has been elected twice ! Now we can say Martin Luther King's dream is not a dream anymore, it's a reality.
However, are all the progress for men’s well-being, can we considere the invention of the atomic bomb like progress for manking for instance ? Well, I guess we might have the same idea on this subject, given the number of victims in Hiroshima and Nagasaki…
Voici ma dernière notion, est-ce que quelqu'un peux m'aider à terminer s'il vous plait?
Merci d'avance.
I’m going to talk about the notion of the idea of progress. First of all I would like to give a definition of progress. The word "progress" derives from the Latin "progressus" and suggests an improvement, a development or a change – a technical (advances in communication: the internet, social media, mobile phones, video games), scientific (Medical advances for example) or social advance (changes in the quality of life, in the education, employment, equality, women’s rights, human rights, minority rights, freedom, democracy...) which contributes to making the world a better place. The progress allows the development of the society and the mentality. I would like to focus on the topic of human rights which were gained through struggles and are still a sensitive issue. Are the human rights really progressing?
In order to illustrate this notion I’m going to present three documents: the first one is a speech by Barak Obama, the second is a text about Jesse Owen’s life finally the film “Race”.
1- Firstly, Barack Obama, in his speech for the 2016 Olympic games, said “No matter where you’re from you can succeed”. He was referring to the Olympic Refugee Team composed of ten competitors from poor countries at war. This team showed us that with determination there is nothing that is not worth trying. It is a message of hope, to never give up. Barack Obama himself could illustrate perfectly this idea. He comes from a poor family and as an Afro-American man, he was hurt by racism. Just like his wife Michelle they worked their way up through society to the very top. Therefore, the fact that he became president shows that everybody can do great things if they work hard and are given a chance. For many people the Obamas embody the American Dream but to me it is not completely true: they are two very determined and intelligent people and that is not given to everybody.
Although he was attacked on the colour of his skin and "accused" of being muslin, President Obama won over many people' s hearts and has became the first black president. We can so consider that it's a progress.
Let us now talk about an unbelievable athlete that challenged his time: Jesse Owens and his incredibles victories against all odds in he Olympic games of Berlin in 1936. Hitler had organized these games to show that the white race was superior to all the other races. There was cheating and disqualifications to "help" Germany be successful. But Jesse Owen could not be stopped: he won four golden medals. Always in the Olympics, whatever their country, whatever the colour of their skin, people can achieve great deeds.
The two - second document shows us that Jesse Owens was an extremely important athlete. In the text, we learn that Jesse Owens was very poor when he was a child. His parents did not go to school and his family was poor and hardworking: they were cotton pickers. Nothing could lead to think that one day, Jesse would be the most famous black athlete. As said before, thanks to the Berlin Olympics, there was Nazi propaganda. The perfect man was the Aryan who was superior to anyone. But Jesse Owens refutes these theories which put forward the superiority of races, he wants be seen as a simple athlete and not as a lower race because it is a colored person. The text presents Jesse Owens as somebody determined, hard-working, brave, and concerned by the racial question
Before his victories, he had to stay at the all black lodges but afterwards he was allowed to stay in the same hotel as the white athletes. He was also offered a sponsorship by Adidas.
Owens was not honoured by President Franklin Roosevelt who neither invited him to the White House: segregation was very strong and African-Americans were not celebrated;
- But the attitudes have evolved. In effect, in 1955 President Dwight D. Eisenhower honoured him by naming him an “Ambassador of Sport”.
3- Also, the film "Race" perfectly the notion of idea of progress.
In The film « Race » illustrates also, I think the notion « Progress» because Jesse Owens did prove to the world that, as Obama said », no matter where you’re from you can succeed: it’s social progress.
Firstly, a black winning races against white sportsmen. It shows how racist the society was. And the fact that germans idolized hi mis a proofthat people changed their minds. Not all of them, but some did not consider black people as slave-borns anymore.
In effect, we can talk about the runner Lutz, who was German, became friends with Owens even if Hitler considered him as a sort of traitor because Germany was in a Nazi Government and Jesse Owens was a black athlete.
That's why, the film illustrates perfectly the notion of idea of progress.
Jesse Owens defended an important value: equality. He proved that Black people had the same physical and mental capacity at a time when they were considered as inferior. And set world records, he won four gold medals (running and jumping).
Jesse Owens is one of the men who worked for this progress.
In the old America, Black people or African Americans , were victims of slavery, racial discrimination, racial segregation.. They were treated as inferiors by most of the White people. But I think that fortunately that the mind have changed thanks also to people like Martin Luther King. He was an activist in the United-States, for the black civil right, for peace and against poverty. One day in 1963, during the March on Washington D.C and in front of the Lincoln Memorial, Martin Luther King said "I have a dream". It's his most famous speech. His speech gave hope and strength to African Americans. Since this speech, "A lot of progress has been made in society") For instance, concerning policy, Barack Obama is the president of the United-States since 2008 and he's black. Moreover he has been elected twice ! Now we can say Martin Luther King's dream is not a dream anymore, it's a reality.
However, are all the progress for men’s well-being, can we considere the invention of the atomic bomb like progress for manking for instance ? Well, I guess we might have the same idea on this subject, given the number of victims in Hiroshima and Nagasaki…Now that we have talked about people that embody the notion of idea of progress, I would like to say that our societies, that many personalities have contributed to the progress of humanity, mentalities.
Comme je vous l'ai expliqué ;) je corrige le plus flagrant et sans passer par les majuscules (peu de temps et trop l
I’m going to talk about the notion of progress. First of all I would like to give a definition of progress. The word "progress" derives from the Latin "progressus" and suggests an improvement, or a change – for instance technical (advances in communication: the internet, social media, mobile phones, video games),or scientific changes, in the medical field for instance A progress can also cover social advances ( equality, women’s rights, human rights, minority rights, )and therefore contribute to making the world a better place. Progress allows the development of a given society and its mentality. I would like to focus on the topic of human rights which were gained through struggles and are still a sensitive issue.
Have the human rights really and for good improvd in the United States?
In order to illustrate this notion I’m going to present three documents: the first one is a speech by Barak Obama, the second is a text about Jesse Owen’s life and finally the film “Race”.
1- Firstly, Barack Obama, in his speech for the 2016 Olympic games in Brazil said “No matter where you’re from you can succeed”. He was referring to the Olympic Refugee Team composed of ten competitors from countries at war. This team showed the world that with determination there is nothing that is not worth trying. It was a message of hope. Barack Obama himself could pefectly illustrate this idea. He comes from a poor family and as an Afro-American man, he was hurt by racism. Just like his wife Michelle they worked their way up through society to the very top. Therefore, the fact that he became president shows that everybody can do great things if they work hard and are given a chance. For many people the Obamas embody the American Dream but to me it is not completely true: they are two very determined and intelligent people and that is not given to everybody.
Although he was attacked on the colour of his skin and "accused" of being muslin, President Obama paid no attention and won over many people' s hearts .
Let us now talk about an unbelievable athlete that challenged his time: Jesse Owens and his incredibles victories against all odds in he Olympic games of Berlin in 1936. Hitler had organized these games to show that the white race was superior to all the other races. There was cheating and disqualifications to "help" Germany be successful. But Jesse Owen could not be stopped: he won four golden medals.
This second document shows us that Jesse Owens was an extremely important athlete. In the text, we learn that he came from a very harsh background: His parents did not go to school and his family was extremely poor: they were cotton pickers. Nobody could have imagined that one day, Jesse would be one of the most famous black athlete. As said before, during to the Berlin Olympics, there was Nazi propaganda. The perfect man was the Aryan who wassupposedely superior to all. Jesse Owens paid no attention and he participated in the games., The text presents Jesse Owens as somebody determined, hard-working, brave, and concerned by the racial question (athough he was not backed up ,because the world was about to be at war)
Before his victories, he had to stay at the all black lodges but afterwards he was allowed to stay in the same hotel as the white athletes. He was also offered a sponsorship by Adidas.
Owens was not honoured by President Franklin Roosevelt who neither invited him to the White House: segregation was very strong and African-Americans were not celebrated;
Afterwards the attitudes evolved. In 1955 President Dwight D. Eisenhower honoured him by naming him an “Ambassador of Sports”.
3- Also, the film "Race" perfectly demonstrates the notion of progress.
In The film « Race » it is shown that Jesse Owens was a gret sportmans and beat all odds when he won although he was supported at first by the Americans and of course the organizers. Nevertheless he embodied the words that Barack Obama said » eighty years later: no matter where you’re from you can succeed: it’s social progress.
-He won regarless of the colour of his skin against white sportsmen.
-He was certainly badly equipped and yet again,he won
-he even changed the Germans attitude to him and became and idol .He forced admiration and people changed their minds. Not all of them, but some did not consider black people as an inferior race anymore.
-he became friends with the German runner Lutz, and thi.s of course was not at all in Hitler's plans! He considered LUtz as a so traitor to the Nazi cause.
That's why, the film illustrates perfectly the notion of idea of progress.
Jesse Owens defended an important value: equality. He proved that Black people had the same physical and mental capacity at a time when they were considered as inferior. And he set world records and he won four gold medals (running and jumping)
As a conclusion I would like to underline once more the very bad conditions of living of Black people in the late 40s:
They were victims of slavery, racial discrimination and segregation.. They were treated as inferiors by most people. One day all this came to and end and was the start of a new struggle in the 60s as Rosa parks decided she would keep her seat on the bus. A pastor , Martin Luter King became the leader of a vast movement to give Black people their dignity back
One day in 1963, in front of the Lincoln Memorial,(the President who died for abolishing slavery) Martin Luther King said "I have a dream". His speech gave hope and strength to African Americans.He was also part of the Progress; Fifty years later , Barack Obama became the president of the United-States since 2008 and he's black.
There are still injustices towards minorities ....lets us hope that progress will not be stopped and continue to grow
ta conclusion est trop longue et doit rester centrée. Si ton examinateur te demande ce que tu penses de ce qui ce passe avec Donal Trump (he is racist but he may be impeached (déchu de son poste) because he is entangled in many embarassing issues;
Merci beaucoup pour la correction.
Pour la problématique j'avais changé: "Have the human rights really and for good improvd in the United States? Du coup j’hésite avec « Are the human rights really progressing for black people?
Sinon pour la conclusion j'avis refait aussi un truc mais du coup j'hésite aussi entre les Deux: pouvez -vous me donner votre avis s'il vous plait?
I’m going to talk about the notion of the idea of progress. First of all I would like to give a definition of progress. The word "progress" derives from the Latin "progressus" and suggests an improvement, a development or a change – a instance technical (advances in communication: the internet, social media, mobile phones, video games), or scientific changes, in the medical field for instance. A progress can also cover social advances (equality, women’s rights, human rights, minority rights) and therefore contributes to making the world a better place. Progress allows the development of a given society and its mentality. I would like to focus on the topic of human rights which were gained through struggles and are still a sensitive issue. Are the human rights really progressing for black people? ou "Have the human rights really and for good improved in the United States? In order to illustrate this notion I’m going to present three documents: the first one is a speech by Barak Obama, the second is a text about Jesse Owen’s life and finally the film “Race”.
1- First, Barack Obama, in his speech for the 2016 Olympic games in Brazil said “No matter where you’re from you can succeed”. He was referring to the Olympic Refugee Team composed of ten competitors from countries at war. This team showed the world that with determination there is nothing that is not worth trying. It was a message of hope. Barack Obama himself could pefectly illustrate this idea. He comes from a poor family and as an Afro-American man, he was hurt by racism. Just like his wife Michelle they worked their way up through society to the very top. Therefore, the fact that he became president shows that everybody can do great things if they work hard and are given a chance. For many people the Obamas embody the American Dream but to me it is not completely true: they are two very determined and intelligent people and that is not given to everybody.
Although he was attacked on the colour of his skin and "accused" of being muslin, President Obama paid no attention and won over many people' s hearts.
2- Let us now talk about an unbelievable athlete that challenged his time: Jesse Owens and his incredibles victories against all odds in he Olympic games of Berlin in 1936. Hitler had organized these games to show that the white race was superior to all the other races. There was cheating and disqualifications to "help" Germany be successful. But Jesse Owen could not be stopped: he won four golden medals. This second document shows us that Jesse Owens was an extremely important athlete. In the text, we learn that he came from a very harsh background: His parents did not go to school and his family was extremely poor: they were cotton pickers. Nobody could have imagined that one day, Jesse would be one of the most famous black athlete. As said before, during to the Berlin Olympics, there was Nazi propaganda. The perfect man was the Aryan who was supposedely superior to all. Jesse Owens paid no attention and he participated in the games. The text presents Jesse Owens as somebody determined, hard-working, brave, and concerned by the racial question (athough he was not backed up ,because the world was about to be at war) Before his victories, he had to stay at the all black lodges but afterwards he was allowed to stay in the same hotel as the white athletes. He was also offered a sponsorship by Adidas. Owens was not honoured by President Franklin Roosevelt who neither invited him to the White House: segregation was very strong and African-Americans were not celebrated; Afterwards the attitudes evolved. In 1955 President Dwight D. Eisenhower honoured him by naming him an “Ambassador of Sports”.
3- Also, the film "Race" perfectly demonstrates the notion of idea of progress.
In The film « Race » it is shown that Jesse Owens was a great sportmans and beat all odds when he won although he was supported at first by the Americans and of course the organizers. Nevertheless he embodied the words that Barack Obama said eighty years later: no matter where you’re from you can succeed: it’s social progress.He won regarless of the colour of his skin against white sportsmen. He was certainly badly equipped and yet again, he won. He even changed the Germans attitude to him and became and idol - - He forced admiration and people changed their minds. Not all of them, but some did not consider black people as an inferior race anymore. He became friends with the German runner Lutz, and this of course was not at all in Hitler's plans! He considered Lutz as a so traitor to the Nazi cause.
That's why, the film illustrates perfectly the notion of idea of progress.
Jesse Owens defended an important value: equality. He proved that Black people had the same physical and mental capacity at a time when they were considered as inferior. And he set world records and he won four gold medals (running and jumping)
Jesse Owens is one of the men who worked for this progress.
As a conclusion I would like to underline once more the very bad conditions of living of Black people in the late 40s:
They were victims of slavery, racial discrimination and segregation.. They were treated as inferiors by most people. One day all this came to and end and was the start of a new struggle in the 60s as Rosa parks decided she would keep her seat on the bus. A pastor, Martin Luther King became the leader of a vast movement to give Black people their dignity back
One day in 1963, in front of the Lincoln Memorial, (the President who died for abolishing slavery) Martin Luther King said "I have a dream". His speech gave hope and strength to African Americans. He was also part of the Progress; Fifty years later, Barack Obama became the president of the United-States since 2008 and he's black.
There are still injustices towards minorities ....lets us hope that progress will not be stopped and continue to grow
Ou J’avais refait çà comme conlusion sinon : c’est quoi le mieux ?
American blacks are the largest minority group in America, comprising about one -tenth of the population. They were first brought to America as slave in 1619, even before the Puritans arrived. For more than three centuries, Blacks have struggled to achieve equality with Whites. Although much progress has been made, American blacks are still treated as second class citizens.
C'est un fait qu'ils ont des droits égaux mais il est aussi vrai qu'ils n'ont pas ,dans certains etats les mêmes chances d'aller dans les meilleures écoles et qu'ils vivent dans des conditions souvent plus difficiles
-j'avais enlevé des choses dans ton exposé (première partie ) qui me paraissait surchargé (et trop dur à retenir et parfois hors-sujet et tu les remets,je ne comprends pas..)
Sinon pour la conclusion j'avis refait aussi un truc mais du coup j'hésite aussi entre les Deux: pouvez -vous me donner votre avis s'il vous plait?NE METS PAS TA CONCLUSION (vois pourquoi plus bas)
....... largest minority group in America, comprising about one -tenth of the population(NON the largest community -chiffres de 2017 -is the hispanic community!!). They were first brought to America as slave in 1619,(NON ils sont arrivés après les puritains et leurs "installation" ce ne sont pas les Indiens qui ont fait venir les populations noires d'Afrique!!) even before the Puritans arrived. For more than three centuries, Blacks have struggled to achieve equality with Whites. Although much progress has been made, American blacks are still treated as second class citizens.NON!! ils ont les mêmes droits que les Blancs -mais si c'était des citoyens de "seconde zone (c'est à dire avec moins de droits , crois-tu qu'il y aurait eu un Barack Obama?
Peux-tu me faire confiance ? Avec tes super notes de bac blanc ,je pense que oui. Ne rajoute rien ;tu avances des faits que tu ne vérifies pas et des bêtises (pardon) historiques alors je te sens fatiguée STOP
Apprends bien tes notions et reste focalisée là-dessus. :cool:
Bonsoir Madame,
C'est bon, j'ai bien tout corrigé. J'avais oublié des trucs, je suis fatiguée...
Merci pour tout. :)
Bonjour ! Parce que c'est le moment de l'année où tout le monde rush pour constituer ses dossiers en langues, je vous laisse ici mon plan plus ou moins détaillé sur l'idée de progrès. Je suis en Terminale L, donc je ne suis pas passée au bac avec (pas encore du moins!) mais ma prof l'a corrigée et m'as mis 9/10 donc c'est prometteur ? Je pensais que ça pourrait en aider certain.es.
I am going to deal with the notion of the Idea of progress. To begin with, a progress can be defined as an improvement in some field, such as sciences or technology. However, we can also mention social advances and this will be my subject. Indeed, since the declaration of the independance of America in 1776, Black people have been involved in Human Rights debate. In reponse to these tensions, artists committed themselves to Blacks' cause. As a consequence, we may wonder to what extend art has played a great role in Afro American's recognition.
So as to answer this question, I will base my study on 3 documents : a poem entitled I too sing America, the song Strange Fruit, and a painting whose title is A Girl in a Red dress.
As a starting point, we shall examine a poem published in 1925 in a collection entitled Selected Poem: I too sing America. It was written by Langston Hughes, also known as the leader of the Harlem Reconnaissance in New York City.
- Harlem Reconnaissance → movement
- topic of the poem → how the Blacks were seen, as inferior
- metaphor of the dinner: they didn't deserve the right to eat dinner alongside the Whites
- metaphor of American Family: the Blacks is hidden and a shame
- then evolution of the vision: the Black narrator wants to make his voice heard, and not to be a shame for America → fight for his rights: Harlem Reconnaissance
Then, we should pay attention to the song Strange Fruit, firstly performed by Billie Holliday in 1939. Indeed, this work took a great part in Blacks acceptance in America, since it denounced lynching.
- written by Lewis Allan
- inspired by with the lynching of Thomas Shipp and Abram Smith in 1930
- the impact on the audience can be compared to Rosa Parks decision not to sit at the place designed for black people in the bus → fight for the respect of her dignity
Et mon document complémentaire n'était pas assez développé donc je suppose que c'est plutôt inutile de l'ajouter ? Au niveau de la conclusion, j'avais ensuite résumé très rapidement mes documents, en disant que beaucoup d'auteur.es avaient donc consacré un certaine partie de leur vie pour la lutte pour la reconnaissance des noirs. Il faut insister sur le lien avec la notion à la fin (chose que j'avais omise, oops).
Voilà en espérant que ça pourra en aider certain.es ! :)
Je t'avais écrit un long message pour te remercier d'une part de partager ton oral avec les futurs candidats mais également pour en soulever les inexactitudes (et une remarque dangereuse)
"independence" (que des "e" ) , le fait que oui les Afro -américains aient participé en 1776 à l'abolition de l'esclavage était une idée "généreuse" car elle n'a rien accordée véritablement au Noirs qui ont dû se battre pour LEURS Civil Rights Movement
Je n'aurais pas fait un parallèle aussi fort entre Billie Holliday qui chante en 1830 deux lynchages (si nombreux hélas à l'époque , le KKK est un mouvement ancien et solidement ancré) et l'acte courageux de Rosa Parks que tout le monde connaît (mais qui était une parfaite inconnue avec un grand courage et qui a été l"élément déclencheur des Protest Marchs, de Sit Ins , de la rivalité MLK et les Black Panthers ....
Mais ce qui me semble vraiment dangereux c'est ta conclusion : je n'ai pas eu le temps de présenter mon doc personnel , c'est plutôt inutile de l'ajouter
Finalement ta prof a noté ses choix de textes 9/10 :tu n'auras pas 18/20 au bac si tu présentes les deux tiers du travail : c'est sur le document personnel que les examinateurs attendent vraiment les élèves car là se trouvent : le travail perso d'un candidat, sa créativité, son maniement du concept....Il ne faut surtout pas en faire l'impasse .
Si tu as besoin d'un coup de pouce,pour ton doc personnel, je peux t'aider mais ne te laisse pas étourdir par ce 9/10!!!
marie LNm
Bonjours, je passe mon oral d'anglais cette année, pouvait vous m'aider a corriger ma notion. Merci beaucoup. :D
We will talk about the notion « The idea of progress ». Progress can be a change, an improvement in the functioning of our societies, for example in social fields. This change can have positive consequences or adverse effects. We are going to talk about the evolution of the family and the place of women in society.
We will deal with the problematic: “How has the structure of the family changed through decades and centuries? How has the status of woman evolved?”
Firstly, we will see changes in the family structure, then we will explained the evolution of the place of women.
In most countries around the world, the model of family has been changing. In fact, a long time ago there was not much family type. For example, nuclear family, extended family or the royal family. It was the 3 main model present, but the family today is many different. We could see different models appear that didn’t exist before. For example, interracial family, gay family, a childless family and many others. In the document “Family today”; we will see over the last fifty years, every aspect of the American family has changed. In fact, the idea of marriage is different, many people are choosing not to marry. Women are having children later and they having fewer children. So families are not as big as they were in the past. The family structure has been able to change thanks to changing mentalities. Before there was only a housewife, but since that year they have been able to see a stay-at-home dad. In the report of Anna Matteo, a father is interviewed. Being a stay-at-home dad now, he says, is much different from what they were 10 years ago. Before they stood at, but now it’s not peculiar, you see them all the time.
The status of women has changed significantly over the centuries. In fact, before women had no rights, no place in society. On the painting of Augustus Loepol Egg, entitled “Past and Present”, we can see a Victorian family. The women at the time was expected to be a good wife, to look after her children and manage the house. It was the only role of women in society at that time. But the woman managed step by step to evolve their status. In the chronicle of Britain entitle “1968: “Woman’s lib becomes a powerful force”. We can see that laws and movements appear for women’s rights. For example, in 1968, abortion, divorce and contraception became possible. At the same time the “women’s lib” movement was strong at the USA.
To conclude, social progress has allowed society to evolve so that all its members are equal. But nowadays, inequalities have not completely disappeared, some people still to fight for their rights.
Avant de corriger l'anglais , pourrais-tu rééquilibrer tes trois parties constituées de tes trois documents , deux vus en classe et un personnel car c'est trop déséquilibré ?
IL FAUT METTRE TROIS DOCUMENTS EN AVANT ET DONNER LEUR DATES (ceci est valable pour tes sujets d'anglais et d'espagnol )!!
Ayant mes oraux de langues pour le bac dans 2 semaines et étant vraiment nul en anglais j'aimerais savoir si mon texte ci dessous possède de grosses fautes de grammaire/orthographe. Merci d'avance !!
I’m going to talk about idea of progress. Progress is the concept that the world and the society can evolve positively in terms of science, technology, modernization… However, the idea of progress is still debated between those who consider that it’s beneficial and those for whom it’s harmful.
I will try to answer to the question: Should we fear progress?
To begin with, many scientists are planning major technological and scientific advances in the near future. the document « a series of prediction » extract from Go English 87, present several predictions about the technological advances of the future that a futurist has made, like the fact that in less than 33 years it will be possible to travel on Mars; to travel very quickly using high-speed propulsion from one city to another...and even the fact that man will become cyborg. A cyborg is a fictional or hypothetical person whose physical abilities are extended beyond normal human limitations by mechanical elements built into the body. It is a definition which is given in the document.
Furthormore, the document “How artificial intelligence will shape mankind’s future” extract also from Go English No 87, tells us a story of ordinary life that a man could live in a few years with scientific and technological progress. According to the document the man will have a robot at his service; his car will be autonomous (that is to say that the man does not need to drive)….
So according to predictions about the future, the world of science fiction, where everything is automated and robots are part of the life of man, can become our real world and it seems to be a very positive progress
However, scientific progress and technological innovations are not always good for us. Indeed, when robots could talk, think and even feel deep emotions like an human, they may take his place and will slowly become a form of superiority. Then the man will become himself a sort of robot thanks to artificial intelligence, the impact that it will bring is that he won't be able to become the producer of this innovation. He will only be there to support robot as an assistant for tasks that robot cannot do with their tools and their abilities as. It is shown well with the document “the dark side” extracts from Go English No 87.It is also said that the robots are gradually replacing the man in the work; it will encode the mass unemployment.
To my mind we must fear technological and scientific progress, because step by step, man will become a robot (cyborgs) and artificial intelligence will take the place of the man...However, some progress could improve the life of for example, the fact that paralyzed people will be able to talk and save the lives of people in the medical setting. So I think we need to be afraid of progress and especially technological innovations, because we do not know where these innovations lead us.
J'avais tout revu et hop ! l'ordi a tout enlevé !
Promis je revois tout demain
(et je te rassure pas d'erreurs "affreuses" c'est un peu fouillis parfois , c'est tout)
Bonjour à tous ! J'ai mon oral ce vendredi. Pourriez-vous m'aider à corriger ma présentation. Je vous en remercie par avance :D !
The notion I’m going to speak about is progress, first of all I’m going to define this notion: the idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change, a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place.
In order to illustrate this notion, I’ve chosen to talk about women’s rights, my presentation will deal with this question:
How have the rights of women evolved? / How have women's rights evolved?
At first, I will talk about the inequality between men and women in the past, then about the fights for women rights, and finally I will deal about the situation today.
I- Women's rights in the 16th century
The first document is an extract from the book “The Taming of the Shrew” by Shakespeare dating back to 1593. This text exposes a misogynist vision of society, in which there is no equality between men and women and they are totally submitted to their husbands. What is surprising here is that this monologue is uttered by woman who teaches, advises other women and who praises the power of men. But her speech appears very unnatural because she exaggerates the details of women's submission. she is actually saying what their husbands want to hear. This speech can be ironic. With this extract we understand that women did not have rights at that time.
II- The fights for women's rights: The suffragettes
At the end of the nineteenth century women had no place in national politics. Women have been considered to be inferior than men, their roles were seen to be childrearing and taking care of home and considered as intellectually subordinates as we show the poster “A women’s Mind is Magnified”. That’s why in 1903 the creation by Emmeline Pankhurst, of the Women’s social and political union WSPU, where she encouraged women to speak up against male domination.
The suffragettes used demonstrations and violent actions as arson attacks, window-breaking for to obtain the right to vote. These actions of suffragettes were repressed and they were sent to prison. Aber few women dared to commit to the cause for fear of their husbands’ and neighbour’s reactions. Indeed, in 1928 the conditions of votes become the same for men and women which marks a social progress in UK. So, the suffragette’s movement allowed numerous progress for the women in UK
III- And now?
The rights of women have progressed, today almost every country in the world women have the right to vote, women have the same rights as men and they are equal. However, many progress remains to be accomplished particularly about wages and sexual harassment.
In 2017, after the scandal Weinstein, Time has chosen women “Person of the year”. The cover represents all women in the world. This cover give hope to certain women that, change is possible when they make her voice heard. It’s a progress against women harassment.
CONCLUSION: To conclude, for centuries, women rights have evolved, many countries in the world defend women’s rights but it remains progress to be made in different areas as wages, sexism or harassment. We may wonder what will be the future struggles for women's rights?