Bonjour à toute et à tous, je viens actuellement de finir de rédiger ma notion de LELE (Anglais) qui m'a donné du fil à retordre. Étant pas très sûr de ma rédaction j'aimerai (si cela est possible) que vous me corrigé mes faute et me dite si ma notion à un sens; Voici ma notion ci-dessous et MERCI d'avance pour votre aide.
JE de l'écrivain JEU de l'écriture:
I am going to present you, the notion The I of The Writer And The Writer's Eye. this notion, it deal with the writing as esthetic enjoyment, expression of the feelings and the mise en abyme. i will illustrate this notion through 3 document. i will uses: -the poem daffodils published in 1804 by william wordsworth; -the poem since of innocence of william blake which is published in 1789 and the poem i know why the caged bird sings written by Maya Angelou in 1983. this three text were published at the end of the 18th-early19th century and 20 century for the poem of maya angelou. In the 18th-19th they are a fresh revolution and During the French revolution where they have been big social change with the evolution of the mentalities. We are going to ask ourselves, how through his writing, through his perception and the reader’s (their eye) does writer transcend not only the barriers of reason but also his human condition, thus altering his it?
First we will see the expression of the feelings of the authors appear through nature. Then, we will analyse, the psychological aspect where we will see a progression as regards experience as you go along the poem.
In the poem Since of innocence, the author appear lonely all the same in company of a child. it is paradoxal. But, it should noted that, this child is in the poet’s imagination, seeing that this child is on a cloud, so this situation is unrealistic. In fact, in this three poem they are a form of loneliness which is characterized in the poem of Maya Angelou By the bird in its cage and in William black appear like lonely by one stanza where he wrote « I wander'd lonely as a cloud ». The loneliness presents in this three poem bring the author to focus on their sense. Wordsworth highlight the view : « I saw », « Saw I », « I gazed and gazed », « the inward eye ». While William Blake and Maya Angelou highlight the sense of hearing. Blake uses in his poem several words in connection with hearing like ->« piping », « songs », repetition of « to hear » 3 times in the text. For its part, the poem I know why the caged bird sings of angelou it has the same shape as a song. Stanza 3 and 5 can stand for the chorus for instance. The singing mentioned in the title is what allows the bird to ask for his freedom since his feet and wings are tied. « His wings are dipped and his feet are tied ». The rhymes can be interpreted in two different ways: They are a repetition, but they can also stand for a harmony of sound.
We understand that senses is a a very important role in the poems, just like the nature. In fact, the nature and the senses make emerge feelings that be source of progression. In the poem of Maya Angelou, there is a wide lexical field of nature with such words as « wind », « sun », « sky ». We note that nature in the text is quite compassionate thanks to the hypallage « sighting trees ». The trees express the feelings that are supposed to be the bird’s. The poem is taken as a sort of way out because there aren’t only nice feeling expressed. In stanza two, the cage becomes metaphorical one, the bird can’t see clear because of his rage, he is the prisoner of his rage. What is paradoxal is that we are somewhat locked in freedom in that text because it starts with the noun freedom. We can say that despite suffocation in this poem the nature allow to the bird which is in real a representation of the authors to free oneself. In the poem of Blake the evolution of experience is more explicit. Childhood is a state of protected innocence rather than original sin, but not immune to the fallen world and its institutions. in fact, there are references to the Bible with the story of Adam and Eve who fell on Earth after eat the fruit of knowledge. There is a passage of innocence to experience, childhood to adulthood. He describes an innocent, prelapsarian world « pleasant glee » with the two first stanza. However, the experience that comes little by little through the instruction given by the child. At the beginning of the poem, the child asked to the author to play a tune -> »Pipe a song about a lamb ! », and then he asked him to sing so of ensuing the words« Drop thy pipe, thy happy pipe;Sing thy songs of happy chear. »and at the end experience with the valleys, the appearance of writing of the book and the language ->'Piper, sit thee down and write;In a book that all may read.’And as you write he’s hurt to the nature -> « And I pluck'd a hollow reed; And I made a rural pen;And I stain'd the water clear »
In the poem for Wordsworth the daffodils are his inspiration and it is thanks him he write. he write a poem about what he saw « I gazed and gazed […] had brought »,so about daffodils. The nature and more precisely the daffodils lead the author to a experience because the words represented the experience.
These documents celebrate human nature and deals with creation and the passage of innocence to experience with the writing, the language and the song . The three authors highlight nature, feelings and imagination.
Bonjour Fidji,
Merci pour votre réponse concernant "the I and EYE", j'ai pris en compte vous remarques en essayant d'amélioré au mieux ce que j'ai posté la premiere fois. J'espère qu'il n y a plus de faute, Voilà la version améliorée:
I have chosen the theme : The I of The Writer And The Writer's Eye. It deal with the writing as esthetic enjoyment, expression of the feelings and the mise en abyme. We shall see how these notions are stressed in: -the poem daffodils published in 1804 by William Wordsworth; -The poem since of innocence of William Blake which is published in 1789 and the poem I know why the caged bird sings written by Maya Angelou in 1983. We are going to ask ourselves, how through his writing, through his perception and the reader’s (their eye) does writer transcend not only the barriers of reason but also his human condition, thus altering his it?
First we will see the expression of the feelings of the authors appear through nature. Then, we will analyse, the psychological aspect where we will see a progression as regards experience as you go along the poem.
In this three poem they are a form of loneliness which is characterized in the poem of Maya Angelou By the bird in its cage and in the poem of William black appear like lonely by one stanza where he wrote « I wander'd lonely as a cloud ». The loneliness presents in this three poem bring the author to focus on their sense. Wordsworth highlight the view : « I saw », « Saw I », « I gazed and gazed », « the inward eye ». While William Blake and Maya Angelou highlight the sense of hearing. Blake uses in his poem several words in connection with hearing like ->« piping », « songs », repetition of « to hear » 3 times in the poem. For its part, the poem of Angelou it has the same shape as a song. Stanza 3 and 5 can stand for the chorus for instance. The rhymes can be interpreted to just repetition or also stand for a harmony of sound.
The nature and the senses make emerge feelings that be source of progression. In the poem of Maya Angelou, there is a wide lexical field of nature with such words as « wind », « sun », « sky », the tree. The trees express the feelings that are supposed to be the bird’s. In stanza two, the cage becomes metaphorical one, the bird can’t see clear because of his rage, he is the prisoner of his rage. What is paradoxal is that we are somewhat locked in freedom in that text because it starts with the noun freedom. We can say that, the nature allow to the bird which is in real a representation of the authors to free oneself. In the poem of Blake the evolution of experience is more explicit. In this poem there are references to the Bible with the story of Adam and Eve. There is a passage of innocence to experience, childhood to adulthood. He describes an innocent, prelapsarian world « pleasant glee » with the two first stanza. However, the experience that comes little by little through the instruction given by the child. At the beginning of the poem, the child asked to the author to play a tune -> he say « Pipe a song about a lamb ! », and then he asked him to sing so of ensuing the words« Drop thy pipe, thy happy pipe;Sing thy songs of happy chear » and at the end the child ask him to write a book ->'Piper, sit the down and write;In a book that all may read.’And as you write he’s hurt to the nature -> « And I pluck'd a hollow reed; And I made a rural pen;And I stain'd the water clear »
In the poem Daffodils are his inspiration and it is thanks him that writer write. He write a poem about what he saw « I gazed and gazed […] had brought »,so about daffodils. The nature and more precisely the daffodils lead the author to a experience because it's thanks to them he speaks, he wrote and the words represented the experience.
These documents celebrate human nature and deals with creation and the passage of innocence to experience with the writing, the language and the song . The three authors highlight nature, feelings and imagination.
Merci encore de m'avoir aider☺️
Je ne sais quoi faire ...votre annonce de plan (fin d'introduction) ne correspond pas à votre développement.
Puis vous voulez faire une première partie en mettant en avant le thème de la nature ...et vous coupez votre texte comme pour enclencher une nouvelle idée (moitié du texte) . On s'attend donc à ce que vous ne parliez PLUS de nature mais d 'une forme de progression ..et vous enchaînez avec d'autres exemple sur la nature..
Je crois que le sujet vous échappe .
Cette thématique est très difficile :essayez déjà en français de la construire
Que veut dire the 'I" ?
Que veut dire the writer's eye ?
Je crois que cette thématique est beaucoup trop difficile :il y a six thématiques en tout ;Regardez les autre (à part friendship etc...) et essayez de bâtir autre chose. En plus ici vous avez trois poèmes et ce n'est pas le but .
je vous cherche un lien utile :(allez jusqu'à la rubrique Lele et regardez les documents proposés par thématique) Vous avez le temps de construire quelque chose de mieux autour d'une autre thématique (quitte à lire en urgence des résumés de livres)